Party Name : Congress (I)
Constituency : Bulandshahar
State : Uttar Pradesh
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 4 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 8
More Information :
SINGH, SHRI SURENDRA PAL, B.A., (Hons.), [Congress (I)— Uttar Pradesh, Bulandshahr,1984] s. of Shri Jagat Singh; b. at Bahanpur, Bulandshahr District; May 17, 1917; ed. at Col. Brawn's School Dehra Dun, Eastborune College, Sussex and Cambridge University, U.K.; Single (marriage legally dissolved); 1 s. and 1 d.; Agriculturist; Deputy Minister, Ministry of External Affairs, March, 1967—February, 1973; Minister of State for External Affairs, February, 1973—October, 1974; Minister of State for Tourism & Civil Aviation, October, 1974—December, 1976; Minister of State for Railways, December, 1976-—February, 1977; Cabinet Minister, Government of U.P., February 7, 1984—January 5, 1985; Member, U.P. Vidhan Parishad, May 1984—December, 1984; Member, (i) Third Lok Sabha, 1962-67, (ii) 4th Lok Sabha 1967-70, (i) Fifth Lok Sabha, 1971-77 and (iv) Public Accounts Committee, 1965 66.