Goyal , Shri Shrichand

Goyal , Shri Shrichand

Party Name : Jan Sangh
Constituency : Chandigarh
State : Chandigarh
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 4

More Information :
GOYAL, SHRI SHRI CHAND, B.A., LLB., J.S.. (Chandigarh—1967):  s. of Shri Kanshi Ram; b. at Vill. Kaimbla, Dislt Karnal, August 15, 1915; ed. at Ramjas High School, Delhi, St. Stephen's College, Delhi and Law College, Delhi; m. Smt. Pushpa Lata, March 14, 1956; 3 S. and 2 D.; Advocate; Founder-Member, All India Jan Sangh; was Secretary and Vice-president of the Punjab Jan Sangh; was President of the District Bar Association, Sangrur and Treasurer of the Bar Council of India, Punjab High Court; Member, Punjab Legislative Council from February, 1958 to April, 1960 and from April 27, 1964 to October 31, 1966: was Chairman of the Petitions Committee and Member of the Committee on Government Assurances of the Punjab Legislative Council and Member. Public Accounts Committee and the Estimates Committee of the Punjab Legislative; was also on the Panel of  Chairmen of the Punjab Legislative Council for a considerable period. Social activities:  Worked as an R.S.S. Missionary for over ten years and organised over 150 branches in the Pepsu area of Punjab. Hobbies:  Reading books on political, constitutional, economic and educational subjects. Special interests:  Writing articles on legal, educational and taxation matters. Sports and Clubs:  Was a Member of the Hockey and Cricket teams in the University. Permanent address:  11, Section 10-A, Chandigarh.