Chaturvedi , Shri Shambunath

Chaturvedi , Shri Shambunath

Party Name : Janata Party
Constituency : Agra
State : Uttar Pradesh
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 2 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 6

More Information :
CHATURVEDI, SHRI SHAMBUNATH, M.A., Janata, (Uttar Pradesh—Agra—1977) :  s. of Shri Radhe Lal Chaturvedi; b. at Holipura Village, Agra District, February 3, 1908; ed. at Government High Schools, Aligarh, Mainpuri, Kanpur and Bareilly, Agra College, Agra and Allahabad University; m. Smt. Gopal Kumari, 1921; 2s. and 1d.; Agriculturist; associated with Congress (O) after 1969; was Dy. Supdt. of Police 1930-41; resigned from Provincial Police Service in January 1941 at the call of Mahatma Gandhi and look part in the individual Civil Disobedience Movement and the Quit India Movement, and was imprisoned for about 27 months; again arrested under Defence of India Rules in August 1975 and remained in jail for 7 months; President, District Congress Committee, Agra; Member, Pradesh Congress Committee, Uttar Pradesh; Manager, Damodar Inter College since 1955; Member, (i) Board of Trustees and Managing Committee, Agra College for about 7 years, (ii) Senate, Agra University for five years, (iii) Senate, Aligarh University, (iv) Committee for incorporation of Gandhiji's Life and Thoughts and Freedom Movement in the Course Books of Primary and Secondary Schools; Chairman, District Board, Agra, 1947-48; Officer on Special Duty, Home Department, Government of Uttar Pradesh in honorary capacity, 1948-49; Member, (i) U.P. Assembly, 1952—57; (ii) Committee for nationalisation of Road Transport in U.P., (iii) Estimates Committee, U.P. Assembly, (iv) Rural Programme Advisory Committee, All India Radio, Lucknow, (v) Programme Advisory Committee, AIR, New Delhi, (vi) Santhanam Committee on Corruption; Secretary, Holipura Chaturvedi Charitable Endowment Trust; Founder-Secretary, Bharat Sevak Samaj, Uttar Pradesh; First Mayor of Agra Municipal Corporation 1960-61; Member Lok Sabha, 1962—67. Social activities:  Education and medical relief; associated with a number of social, educational and charitable organisations engaged in the service of the people.

Favourite pastime and recreation:  Horse-riding

Sports and clubs:  Tennis and Cricket; was Vice-Captain, Tennis, Agra College and Coloursman of the Allahabad University.

Travels abroad:  Switzerland, France, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Austria, Hungary, England.

Permanent address:  Kothi Meenabazar, Shahganj, Agra.