Tudu , Shri Man Mohan

Tudu , Shri Man Mohan

Party Name : Congress (I)
Constituency : Mayurbhanj-ST
State : Orissa
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 2 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 7

More Information :
TUDU, SHRI MAN MOHAN  [Congress (1)--Orissa, Mayurbhanj (Res. Sch. Tribes), 1980]  s. of Shri Fudan; b. at Chadada Village, Udla Taluk, Mayurbhanj District, January 14, 1922; ed. Intermediate: m. Smt. Sita Dei, April 16, 1946: 5s. and 4d.; Agriculturist; Minister of Tribal and Rural Welfare Department, Government of Orissa, 1967-70; Founder-Chairman, (i) Adivasi Mangal Samiti, Orissa and (ii) Untouchability Committee, Orissa; Member, Orissa Legislative Assembly, 1957-73; presently Member, Committee on absence of Members from the sittings of the House.   Social activities:  Started social service work in 1947-48 among Adivasi and Harijans and joined the Adivasi Movement for the uplift of Tribals in the Eastern Region, that is, Orissa, Bihar and West Bengal; formed the Forest Co-operative Society for the benefit of the down-trodden people in the forest areas and introduced Special Tribal Development Programmes in Orissa providing facilities of proper education, irrigation and communication in rural areas during 1968-71.  Favourite pastime and recreation:  Social Service.   Special interests:  Development of the down-trodden people.   Permanent address:  Adapal Village, Jualia P.O., via Udla, Mayurbhanj District Orissa.