Tripathi , Shri Madhav Prasad

Tripathi , Shri Madhav Prasad

Party Name : Janata Party
Constituency : Domariaganj
State : Uttar Pradesh
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 6

More Information :
TRIPATHI SHRI MADHAV PRASAD, B.A., LL.B., Janata, (Uttar Pradesh—Domariaganj—1977):  s. of late Pandit Sureshwar Prasad Tripathi; b. at Tiwaripur village, Basti District  September 12, 1917; Unmarried; was previously in legal practice; previously associated with Jan Sangh; Chairman, U. P.  Housing Development Council; Member, Delimitation Commission; also held several other offices; Member, U. P., Legislative Council, 1958-62; Member, U.P. Legislative Assembly, 1962-66 and 1969-77; was Leader of the Opposition, U. P. Legislative Assembly; Cabinet Minister,  U. P.  Government; presently Member, (ii) Committee on Public Undertaking and (ii) Privileges Committee. Favourite pastime and recreation:  Reading. Special interests:  Politics, effecting improvement in rural life and solution of the problems of the rural people. Permanent address:  Gandhi Nagar, Basti District, Uttar Pradesh.