Tiwary , Pandit Dwarka Nath

Tiwary , Pandit Dwarka Nath

Party Name : Janata Party
Constituency : Gopalganj
State : Bihar
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 6 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 6

More Information :
TIWARY, PANDIT  D. N., Janata, (Bihar—Gopalganj —1977) :  s. of late Pandit Nand Kishore Tiwary; b. at Bhairopur Village, Saran District, August, 1901; ed. at Bihar National College, Patna and Bihar Vidyapith; widower; 2 s. and 1 d.; Agriculturist; previously associated with Congress and Congress For Democracy; joined non-cooperation movement, 1920; was imprisoned for seven years on four occasions between 1930 and 1942; took  active part in 1942 movement, captured Parsa Police Station and Post Office and ran the police station for more than a month; twice shot at during 1942 movement but escaped death; was Member, (i) Congress Working Committee since 1969 and (ii) All India Congress Committee since 1963; Protested against the emergency, M.I.S.A. and D.I.R. to the then ruling party and the Govt.; resigned from Congress and founded 'Congress For Democracy' alongwith Shri Jagjiwan Ram; President of several educational institutions; Founder of several schools and libraries; Member, Saran District Board, 1930—34; Member, (i) Bihar Legislative Assembly, 1937—39, (ii) First Lok Sabha, 1952— 57, (iii) Second Lok Sabha, 1957—62, (iv) Third Lok Sabha, 1962—67, (v) Fourth Lok Sabha, 1967—70, (vi) Fifth Lok Sabha 1971—77; (vii) Estimates Committee, First Lok Sabha, (viii) Public Accounts Committee, Second Lok Sabha; Member and Chairman, Committee on Public Undertakings, Third and Fourth Lok Sabha; Chairman, Members' Salaries and Allowances Committee, 1973—75 and recommended various amenities to Members of Parliament which were accepted later on; Chairman, House Committee 1977-78; was Member Delegate (alternate) to United Nations Organisation in 1967 and served on the Committees of the United Nations at New York; visited as Chairman, Committee on Public Undertakings, offices of various undertakings in foreign countries and submitted a report to Prime Minister. Social activities:  Harijan welfare work, propaganda for prohibition, khadi and cottage industries, relief work in flood-stricken area of his locality and district. Favourite pastime and recreation:  Gardening. Special interests:  Welfare and education of Harijans and landless labourers. Publications:  Was publisher of a Hindi bi-weekly 'Yatri'. Travels abroad:  Italy, Switzerland, U.K., U.S.A., Canada, Japan and Hong Kong. Permanent address:  Bhairopur Village, Digwata P.O., Saran District, Bihar.