Singh , Shri Ganga

Singh , Shri Ganga

Party Name : Janata Party
Constituency : Mandi
State : Himachal Pradesh
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 6

More Information :
SINGH, SHRI GANGA, B.A., LL.B., Janata, (Himachal Pradesh—Mandi—1977):  s. of Shri Karam Singh; b. at Chowk Village, Mandi District, September 9, 1930; ed. at Panjab and Delhi Universities; m. Smt. Bhama, December, 1959; 7 d.; Advocate; previously associated with Jan Sangh; Member, Himachal Pradesh Legislative Assembly, 1972—77. Social activities:  Uplift of the rural masses. Favourite pastime and recreation:  Reading, horticulture and agriculture. Special interests:  Study of Indian history and culture. Permanent address:  Chowk Village, Mahadev  P.O., Sundarnagar, Himachal Pradesh.