Sharma , Shri Jagannath

Sharma , Shri Jagannath

Party Name : Janata Party
Constituency : Garhwal
State : Uttar Pradesh
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 6

More Information :
SHARMA, SHRI JAGANNATH, M.A., LL.B., L.S.G. D., Janata, (Uttar Pardesh—Garhwal—1977 ):  s. of Pandit Ratan Mani; b. at Pavo Village (Pauri), February  10, 1924; ed at Ghananand College, Mussoorie, D.A.V. College, Dehradun; Allahabad University; m. Smt. Prabha Sharma, 2 s. and 1 d.; Advocate, Educationist, Journalist; Political  and Social Worker; previously  associated  with Congress; Municipal Commissioner , Mussoorie Municipality, 1953 President, Mussoorie  Municipal Board,  1957—1965;  Member, (i)  Board of Directors, Uttar Pradesh State Warehousing Corporation, (ii) Uttar Pradesh Hill Board, (iii) Board of Management Pandit Govind  Ballabh Pant  Agricultural University Pantnagar; Standing Counsel for Uttar Pradesh State Panel;  Counsel for Delhi and Punjab; Official Receiver for the District of Dehradun; Member, Uttar Pradesh  Legislative Council, 1966—1977. Social activities:  (A)  (i) Chairman, All India Federation of the Deaf, Delhi, (ii)  President, Nanhi Duniya School for the Deaf,  Dehradun, (iii) Elected representative of All-India  Federation of the Deaf to the Asian Organisation of the Deaf, (iv) Manager, Bhawani  Balika High School, Dehradun, (v) President, Municipal Employees Association, Mussoorie, (vi) Worked for the development schemes of Hill Areas in Uttar Pradesh; (B)  (i) Professor of Law—D.A.V. College, Dehradun, (ii) Founder-President, Mussoorie  Municipal Post Graduate, College, (iii) Member, Board of Studies and Faculty of Law, Agra University, (iv) Member, Court of Meerut University, (v) Joint Secretary, U. P. Lawyers Conference, (vi) President, Employees' Hill Corporation, (vii) Member, Managing Bodies of a number of educational and social institutions in the Constituency. Favourite pastime and recreation:  Interested in conversation and movies. Special interests:  Analysis of political developments of the world in Indian context, studies in Administrative and Constitutional Laws, Tourism and Economic development of Hill Regions. Publications:  Honorary Editor "MUSSOORIE ADVERTISER". Sports and clubs:  Hockey, skating, badminton, fancy shows. Travel abroad:  Visited Japan, Philippines, Thailand, Hongkong, Singapore; visited Manila in connection with conference for the 'Deaf' as Head of the Indian Delegation. Permanent address:  17-B, New Road, Dehradun, Uttar Pradesh.