Shah , Shri Surath Bahadur

Shah , Shri Surath Bahadur

Party Name : Janata Party
Constituency : Kheri
State : Uttar Pradesh
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 6

More Information :
SHAH, SHRI SURATH BAHADUR, B.Sc., Dip., R.T.C., (Glasgow), Janata, (Uttar  Pradesh— Kheri— 1977):  s. of late Kunwar Bam Bahadur Shah; b. at Singahi Kheri District, October 16, 1911; ed at Colvin School Lucknow, Queen's School Lucknow, Jubilee College, Lucknow, Lucknow University and the Royal Technical College Glasgow; widower; 1 s.; Agriculturist; political and social worker technologist, previously associated with Congress, 1928—32, Kisan  Mazdoor Praja Party, 1948—55, Praja Socialist Party, 1956—72, Bhartiya Kranti Dal and Bhartiya Lok Dal, 1972—76; Member (i) Executive Council, Lucknow University, 1943—50 and 1958—73; (ii) Managing Committee Mahila Vidyalaya Degree College, Lucknow since 1944; Chairman Singahi-Bhedaura Town Area Committee, 1956—1971; Member, U. P, Legislative Assembly and; Whip of the Opposition in U. P. Assembly 1957—62. Favourite pastime and recreation:  Reading, Yachting and  hunting. Special interests:  Politics and social work. Sports and clubs:  Mahomed Bagh Club Ltd., Lucknow and the  Boat House Club Ltd., Nainital. Travels abroad:  Burma, U.K. and Europe. Permanent address:  (i) Singahi village, Kheri District Uttar Pradesh (ii) 26A, Ashok Marg, Lucknow-1.