Ram Charan , Shri

Ram Charan , Shri

Party Name : Janata Party
Constituency : Jalaun-SC
State : Uttar Pradesh
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 6

More Information :
RAM CHARAN, SHRI, B.A., Janata, [Uttar Pradesh—Jalaun (Res. Sch. Castes)—1977]:  s. of Shri Madari Lal; b. at Chhiriyasalempur village, Jalaum District, July 9, 1942; ed. at Allahabad, (U.P. Board) and Bundelkhand University, Jhansi; m. Smt. Shakuntala Devi; 2 s. and 2 d.; teacher and agriculturist; was Member, Land Allotment Commitiee, Development Area, Jalaun; Deputy Manager Dr. Ambedkar Junior High School, jalaun; presently Auditor of the School and running its Hostel. Social activities:  Working for the welfare of the weaker sections of society and for uplift of Harijans. Special interests:  Constructive work; study of Political Science, Sociology, History and Hindi books. Sports and clubs:  Kabaddi and Volleyball. Permanent address:  Chhiriyasalempur Village and P.O. Jalaun District, Uttar Pradesh.