Pani , Shri Ravi Narayan

Pani , Shri Ravi Narayan

Party Name : Janata Dal
Constituency : Deogarh
State : Orissa
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 9

More Information :
PANI, SHRI RAVI NARAYAN, M.A., B.L. [Janata Dal—Orissa, Deogarh, 1989]:  s. of Somanath Pani; b. at Bijigol, Dhenkanal District, Orissa, April 9, 1950; ed. at G.M. College, Sambalpur; m. Kiran Sundari Pani, January 28, 1976, 2 d.; Lawyer, Industrial Worker, Political and Social Worker, Journalist, Trade Unionist, Agriculturist; Previous Association with Political Parties:  District Vice-President, JD, Dhenkanal, Orissa, Member, JD State Committee; Committee Experience:  Member, Committee on Subordinate Legislation, July 17, 1990 and Consultative Committee, Energy, 1990;

Favourite Pastime and Recreation:  Horticulture, Arboriculture, sports, reading, tours;

Sports and Clubs:  Badminton; President, Blue Bird Club and ten to fifteen other clubs in Orissa; Social Activities:  Welfare of the poor, improvement of transport facilities;

Other Information:  Practised as a criminal lawyer for 12 years; Vice-President, All Orissa Lawyers Association, 1986; as a student leader suffered imprisonment several times;

Permanent Address:  Village Bramhan Sasan, P.O. Talcher, District Dhenkanal, Orissa.