Nayar , Dr. Sushila

Nayar , Dr. Sushila

Party Name : Janata Party
Constituency : Jhansi
State : Uttar Pradesh
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 4 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 6

More Information :
NAYAR, DR. SUSHILA, M.B.B.S., MD., Master of Public Health, Doctor of Public Health, Janata, (Uttar Pradesh—Jhansi—1977):  d. of Shri Brindaban Nayar; b. December 26, 1914; ed. at Punjab University and Jhons Hopkins, U.S.A.; Unmarried; Medical Doctor and Medical Teacher; previously associated with Congress; participated in the national movement and imprisonment with Mahatma Gandhi and Kasturba Gandhi for 93 weeks in Aga Khan Palace, actively associated with Gandhian constructive work and Kasturba Trust; President, Kasturba Health Society; Founder Director, Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences at Sevagram and Chairman of many organisations Member (i) Delhi Vidhan Sabha, 1952— 56 and (ii) Lok Sabha 1957—70; Minister for Health, Rehabilitation and Transport and Charitable Endowments, Delhi State, 1952—55; Speakers, Delhi Vidhan Sabha 1955-56; Union Minister for Health, Local self-Government, Country and Town Planning 1962—64; Union Minister of Health and family Planning 1964— 67. Favourite pastime and recreation:  Reading, music and painting. Special interests:  Rural Health, Welfare of workers and children and Harijans, basic education, prohibition, Medical education and community health. Accomplishments in letters, art and science:  President's award in 1950 for "Karavas ki Kahani" of Rs. 5,000. Publications:  "Kasturba, wife of Gandhi", "Hamari Ba". "Karavas ki kahani". Sports and clubs:  Basketball, Table Tennis, Badminton. Travels abroad:  China, U.S.S.R., U.S.A., Europe, Indonesia, Japan, Hong Kung, Malaysia etc. Permanent address:  Kasturba  Hospital, Sevagram, Wardha District.