Nath Pai , Shri Bapu

Nath Pai , Shri Bapu

Party Name : Praja Socialist Party (PSP)
Constituency : Rajapur
State : Maharashtra
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 3 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 4

More Information :
NATH PAI, SHRI, B.A., Bar-at-Law (London), P.S.P., (Maharashtra-Rajapur-1967):  s. of Bapu Anant Pai; b. at Vengurla, September 25, 1922; m. Shrimati. Christi N. Pai; 1 S.; Barrister; President, Socialist Youth International, Vienna; twice President, London Majlis; Vice-President, (1) British Asian Socialist Fellowship (London); (2) Congress of Peoples for Colonial freedom (London); (3) Posts and Telegraphs Workers' Union, Bombay; Member, Goa-Vimochan Samiti; was imprisoned for 19 months in 1942 for participation in the Quit India movement; Member, Second Lok Sabha, 1957—62 and Third Lok Sabha, 1962—67.  Permanent address:  Guruwar Petla, Tilak Wadi, Belgaum, Maharashtra.