Lal , Shri Brij Bhushan

Lal , Shri Brij Bhushan

Party Name : Jan Sangh
Constituency : Bareilly
State : Uttar Pradesh
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 4

More Information :
LAL, SHRI BRIJ BHUSHAN, M.A., LL.B., J.S., (U.P.—Bareilly— 1967):  s. of Shri Thakur Dass ; b. at  Dhaunra, Distt. Bareilly, February  14, 1905;  ed. at  Allahabad  University  and  Lucknow  University; m. Shrimati  Bishan  Pyari  Devi , February, 1923 ; 2  d.;  Advocate; was  District  Government  Council  (Criminal) for about 7 year; was Member of the District Board, Bareilly, 1935; President, Municipal Board, Bareilly, since January, 1965; Member, Managing Committee and Board of Control of Bareilly College, for the last 37 years. Social activities:  Started a Ram Naumi Mela, a religious fair at Dhaunra Distrist Bareilly. Special interests:  Village uplift, agriculture, and social work. Permanent address:  124 (B) Civil Lines, Bareilly, U.P.