Khan , Shri Kunwar Mahmud Ali

Khan , Shri Kunwar Mahmud Ali

Party Name : Janata Party
Constituency : Hapur
State : Uttar Pradesh
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 6

More Information :
KHAN, SHRI KUNWAR MAHMUD ALI B.A., LL.B., Janata, (Uttar Pradesh—Hapur—1977) :  s. of late Shri Rao Hakim Ali Khan; b. at Jogipura Village, Meerut District; ed. at Faiz-e-Aam Inter-mediate College, Meerut and Meerut College, Meerut; m. Smt. Bilqees Ara, 1951; 3 s. and 5 d.; Agriculturist and advocate; previously associated with Congress, Jana Congress, Bhartiya Kranti Dal  and Bhartiya Lok Dal; President, Jana Congress, Meerut District, 1967; Member, National Executive, Bhartiya Kranti Dal, 1974; Member, National Executive, Bhartiya Lok Dal, 1975; Special invitee, Janata Party, 1977; detained under Maintenance of Internal Security Act, 1975—77; Member, Committee for Selection of Sub-Inspectors of Police, V.P., 1959-60; Member, U.P. Public Service Commission, 1968—74; Member, (i) U.P. Legislative Assembly, 1957—62; (ii) Delegated Legislation Committee, 1957—62; (iii) Irrigation and Power Committee, 1957 —62, presently Member, Committee on Government Assurances. Social activities:  Work for national integration, uplift of the weaker sections of society and for the betterment of the farmers' lot; improving the fate of the labour class and redressing their grievances; activities for provision of civic amenities including hospitals in, rural areas. Favourite pastime and recreation:  Reading,

Special interests: National integration, irrigation and agriculture.

Sports and clubs:  Gymnastics, University Training Corps (Military Training), Physical Culture exercises, throws of all types, wrestling (European as well as, Indian styles), Indian games.

Permanent address:  460, Chhoti Kothi, Khair Nagar Bazar, Meerut City, Uttar Pradesh.