Keyur Bhushan , Shri

Keyur Bhushan , Shri

Party Name : Congress (I)
Constituency : Raipur
State : Madhya Pradesh
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 2 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 8

More Information :
KEYUR BHUSHAN, SHRI [Congress (I)—Madhya Pradesh, Raipur, 1984]  s. of Shri Mathura Prasad; b. at Jata Village, Durg District, February 25, 1928; ed. upto Primary; m. Smt. Surya Kumari, May 4, 1944; 3 s. and 2 d.; Political and Social Worker; previously associated with Communist Party of India; Member, Communist Party of India, 1943-53; was imprisoned for participating in "Quit India" Movement, 1942; also imprisoned for about 5 years for taking part in mass movements during 1953; Joint Secretary, Chattisgarh Maha Sabha, 1962, Secretary, Madhya Pradesh Harijan Sevak Sangh, 1971-75; General Secretary, Rashtriya  Rachnatmak Karya Karta Samaj; Vice-President, All India Harijan Sevak Sangh since 1983; Member, (i) Seventh Lok Sabha, 1980-84, (ii) Consultative Committee of Members of Parliament for Ministry of Education and Culture and (iii) Joint Committee on Mental Health Bill, Member, Estimates Committee, 1985-86. Social activities:  Organised Peace March in Punjab with co-workers in 1983 and 1984. Favourite pastime and recreation:  Writing novels and stories. Special interests:  Social service. Publications:  Editor, (i) Chattisgarh Weekly, and  (ii) Chattisgarh Sandesh. Permanent address:  Brahmanpara, Raipur, Madhya Pradesh.