Kapoor , Shri Lakhan Lal

Kapoor , Shri Lakhan Lal

Party Name : Janata Party
Constituency : Purnea
State : Bihar
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 2 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 6

More Information :
KAPOOR, SHRI LAKHAN LAL, Janata, (bihar—Purnea—1977):  s. of late Shri Ram Krishna Ram; b. at Laxmanpur Village, Monghyr District, October 2, 1923; privately studied upto Matriculation; m. Smt. Sushila Kapoor, May 30, 1964; 2 s. and 1 d.; Social Worker; previously associated with Congress Socialist Party, 1937, Socialist Party, 1948, and Praja Socialist Party, 1954, jailed for participating in the 1937-38 'Bakast' (Land ) Satyagraha against big landlords under the leadership of Shri Jayaprakash Narayan and in the 1940 Satyagraha under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi; participated in the Quit-India Movement and was sentenced three times for transportation of life for a period totalling 75 years; jailed 7 times after Independence on account of Socialist movement; took part in the Nepali revolution in 1950; participated actively in Jayaprakash Narayan's movement, 1974—76, conducted underground activities and was sent to jail; District Secretary 1957-58; Provisional Secretary, 1958-59 and General Secretary,  1964-65 of Praja Socialist Party; President, (i) Bihar State Transport Employees' Union, (ii) Jamalpur Railwaymen's Union, (iii) Coal Muzdoor Sabha, Bihar, (iv) post and Telegraph Workers Union, Purnea, Bihar, and (v) Kishanganj College; Zonal Secretary, All India Railwaymen's Federation; Member, (i) Bihar Legislative Assembly, 1957—62 and (ii) Fourth Lok Sabha, 1967—70; presently Member, (i) Committee on Public Undertakings and (ii) Committee on Papers Laid on the Table. Social, activities:  Social work among youth and rural population.

Favourite pastime and recreation:  Yoga, reading, literary works in Hindi and Bengali.

Special interests:  Rural reconstruction work; organisation of youth; village and small-scale industries.

Sports and clubs:  Swimming and rural games.

Travels abroad:  Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, Bangladesh and Malaysia.

Permanent address:  10A, MIGH, Lohia Nagar (Kankarbagh Colony), Patna.