Kamble , Shri Bapu Chandrasen

Kamble , Shri Bapu Chandrasen

Party Name : Janata Party
Constituency : Bombay South Central
State : Maharashtra
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 2 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 6

More Information :
KAMBLE SHRI B.C., B.A., LL.B., Janata (Maharashtra—Bombay South Central-1977): s. of Shri Chandrasen Sambhaji Kamble; b. at Palus, Tasgaon Tehsil, Sangli District, July 15, 1919; ed. at Tilak High School, Karad; Fergusson College and Law College, Poona; m. Smt. Akkatai B. Kamble, 1950; 1 s. and 5 d.; Lawyer; previously associated with Scheduled Castes Federation; one of the Founders of Republican Patty of India; now leader of  Republican Party (Kamble Group) of India; First to hold public meeting against proclamation of emergency in Bombay on July 27, 1975; Editor, (i) Janata weekly 1948—54; (ii) Prabudha Bharat Weekly, 1956—58, (iii) Republic Weekly, 1959—75; Professor of Constitutional Law in Sidharth College Bombay, 1956-57, Member, Bombay Legislative Assembly, 1952—57; Member, Second Lok Sabha 1957—62; presently Member, Committee on the Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled, Tribes. Social activities:  Annually tours about 1000 miles for public meetings on people's education. Favourite pastime and recreation:  Reading, writing and swimming.

Special interests:  Religious matters.

Publications:  (i) Legislature Vs. High Court, (ii) Thoughts on 44th Constitution Amendment Bill, (iii) Dr. Ambedkar on Indian Constitution, (iv) Questions of King Milind, (v) Tripitak Volume Nos. 1 to 4, (vi) Dr. Ambedkar as Parliamentarian, (vii) Last thoughts of Dr. Ambedkar on Parliamentary Affairs and (viii) Uprooting the famine.

Travels abroad:  Thailand, 1959-60.

Permanent address:  11/174 Adarsh Nagar, Prabhadevi, Bombay-25, Maharashtra.