Kamath , Shri Hari Vishnu

Kamath , Shri Hari Vishnu

Party Name : Janata Party
Constituency : Hoshangabad
State : Madhya Pradesh
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 3 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 6

More Information :
KAMATH, SHRI HARI VISHNU, B.Sc., (Hons), Janata, (Madhya Pradesh—Hoshangabad—1977) :  s. of Shri Rama Kamath; b. at Mangalore, Karnataka, July 13, 1907; ed. at Canara High School, Government College, Mangalore, Presidency College, Madras, London School of Economics, University College and School of Oriental Studies, and social worker, Freelance Journalist, former member of the Indian Civil Service which he joined in 1930 and from which he resigned in 1938 to join the freedom struggle; previously associated with Congress, forward Bloc, Praja Socialist Party and Socialist Party; Imprisoned in 1940-41 and 1942-45 during freedom struggle and again in 1956, 1962 1965, 1974 and 1975 since Independence; Assistant Commissioner and First Class Magistrate, 1931-32, sub-judge First Class, 1933-34; Additional District Judge, 1934-35, Revenue Settlement Officer, 1936, Officiating Deputy Commissioner and District Magistrate, 1936, Under-Secretary, 1936;  Additional District Magistrate, 1937—38; Member, (i) Constituent Assembly, 1946—49, (ii) Provisional Parliament, 1950—52, (iii) First Lok Sabha, 1955—57 and (iv) Third Lok Sabha, 1962—67, Member, Library Committee 1977-78; Chairman Committee on Petitions, 1977-78, Delegate to (i) World Government Conference, London, 1952 (ii) Conference of Socialist International, Israel, 1960 (iii) Conference of Socialist Interance, Yugoslavia, 1960 and (iv) United Nations General Assembly Session; 1977. Favourite pastime and recreation:  Hiking, Gardening and Cookery.

Special interests:  Philosophy, Yoga, Astronomy, Astro-palmistry, Sanskrit and English Literature.

Publications:  (i) "Communist China Colonizes Tibet, Invades India" and (ii) "Principles and Techniques of Administration".

Sports and clubs:  Played Tennis as a College Student and while in the Indian Civil Service; Member, Constitution Club, New Delhi.

Travels abroad:  U. K., Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Poland, U.S.S.R., Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, Israel, Yugoslavia, USA, Canada, Taiwan.

Permanent address:  Dhantoli, Nagpur, Maharashtra.