Behera , Shri Baidhar

Behera , Shri Baidhar

Party Name : Praja Socialist Party (PSP)
Constituency : Jajpur-SC
State : Orissa
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 4

More Information :
BEHERA, SHRI BAIDHAR, P.S.P., [Orissa— Jaipur— (Reserved-Sch. Castes)—1967]:  s. of  Shri Kshetrabasi Behera;  b.  at Ramakrishnapur, Distt. Cuttack, April, 1925; m. Shrimati Ichhamani Behera, May, 1945; 3 s. and 1 d.; Agriculturist; previously associated with the Indian National Congress; Member of several Committees in Orissa such as Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Advisory Committee, Community Development and Gram Panchayat Committee, Zila Parishad Committee, Drought and Flood Relief Committee, etc.; Member, Orissa Legislative Assembly, 1957— 62 and 1962—67. Social activities:  Welfare and uplift of kisans, mazdoors and Harijans. Hobby:  Kitchen gardening. Favourite pastime and recreation:  Music and drama. Sports:  Rural games such as Kabaddi. Permanent address:  Village Ramakrishnapur, P.O. Nischinta Koili, District Cuttack, Orissa.