Bal , Shri Pradyumna Kishore

Bal , Shri Pradyumna Kishore

Party Name : Janata Party
Constituency : Jagatsinghpur
State : Orissa
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 6

More Information :
BAL, SHRI PRADYUMNA KISHORE, B.A., Janata, (Orissa—Jagatsinghpur—1977):  s. of Shri Krushna Kishore Bal; b. at Kusupur, November 8, 1934; ed. at N. K. Vidyamandira, Kusupur, Stewart College, Cuttack and Bhavan's College, Bombay, m. Smt. Sarswati Bal, July 14, 1959; 3 s. and 1 d.; Journalist and Writer; Editor, 'Pragativadi' (Oriya Weekly); previously associated with the Students' Congress, 1946 and the Indian National Congress, 1959-75; Member, (i) District Youth Congress Executive, 1961—67; (ii) Pradesh Youth Congress Executive, Orissa, 1967-68; President, Utkal Pradesh Youth Congress Committee, 1968-71; Member, Utkal Pradesh Congress Executive Committee, 1970—75; Elected Member, National Council, Indian Youth Congress, 1971-75; Member of numerous social, economic and cultural organisations. Social activities:  Takes active interest in relief and reconstruction work at the time of natural calamities like flood, drought, cyclone etc.; works for welfare activities with special stress on improving the lot of the weaker sections of the society especially the Harijans and Adivasis, elimination of corruption in all spheres; takes active interest in activities that promote economic development with special stress on creating additional employment.

Favourite pastime and recreation:  Reading, writing, travelling, photography and occasionally cooking.

Special interests:  Writing short stories, essays, feature articles and poems.

Sports and clubs:  Badminton.

Permanent address:  'SAGARIKA' Jhanjirmangla, Cuttack.