Ayarwal , Shri Ram Singh

Ayarwal , Shri Ram Singh

Party Name : Jan Sangh
Constituency : Sagar-SC
State : Madhya Pradesh
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 4

More Information :
AYARWAL, SHRI RAM SINGH, B.A., J.S., [Madhya Pradesh-Sagar- (Reserved-Scheduled Castes),1967]:  s. of  Shri  Ganpat  Lal Master; b. at Sagar April 1, 1938; ed. at U.T.D. Sagar and Saugar University; m. Shrimati Rajrani; 1 s. and 1 d.; Served in the Railways for sometime and as a Primary School Teacher for about two years; joined studies again in 1962 and still continuing.  Social activities:  Founded the M.P. Exploited Class Students Union and served as its District President, Joint Secretary and General Secretary; Started hostels, organised social functions and worked for the uplift of the backward classes in-general. Special interests:  Philosophy and social work. Permanent address:  Purviyao Tori , Sagar , M.P.