(a) whether the Minister of Petroleum visited Turkey and Romania recently;

(b) if so, the issues discussed and the outcome thereof;

(c) whether any agreement was signed with both the countries in the field of oil and natural gas;

(d) if so, the details thereof; and

(e) the extent to which these countries have agreed to provide gas to India?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Yes, Sir.

(b) to (e):- The details are given at annexe.


Annexe referred to in reply to parts (b) to (e) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 2859 by Shri Rayapati Sambasiva Rao to be answered on the 11th August, 2005 regarding Agreement with Turkey and Romania.


An official delegation led by the Minister of Petroleum & Natural Gas and Panchayati Raj visited Turkey on 28-30 June 2005 and held discussions with the Turkish Minister for Energy and Industry and senior officials of Turkish Oil Industries. The two sides identified a number of specific areas of bilateral cooperation and agreed to provide necessary support for further strengthening the relationship. The following points emerged:-

1. Turkish companies were invited to participate in Exploration & Production activities in India as well and form alliances to obtain Exploration and Production Contracts with Indian companies in Turkey.

2. Seek the interest of Turkish companies in establishing export-oriented refineries in India. Indian Oil companies will explore investment opportunities in Turkish Refineries.

3. Turkish companies to be approached for joint pursuit of oil and gas projects in third countries.

4. Cooperation/partnership in pipeline projects under execution for transport of oil and gas through Turkey to Europe.

5. Explore possibilities of participation in the Baku-Tbilsi-Ceyhan pipeline to try to access the Turkish share of the oil.

6. To establish a Joint Working Group (JWG) under the overall aegis of the Joint Commission to promote cooperation in the oil and gas sector in both countries as well as third countries.


An official delegation led by the Minister of Petroleum & Natural Gas and Panchayati Raj visited Romania on 1-4 July, 2005 and held discussions with the deputy Prime Minister, the Minister of Economy and Commerce, senior officials of the Romanian oil industry, businesspersons of the regional Chambers of Commerce & Industry and senior officials in the R&D, training and academic sector of the oil industry. The two sides identified a number of specific areas of bilateral cooperation, including : exploration, refining projects in third countries, transnational pipelines, academic exchanges and cooperation in the R&D sector. During the visit, the following Memoranda of Understanding ( MoU ) were signed :

(i) Inter-governmental MoU between India and Romania on co-operation in various oil and gas activities;

(ii) MoU on cooperation between the Indian University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun and the Petroleum & Gas University, Ploiesti, Romania.

(iii) MoU on cooperation between the K. D. Malviya Institute of Petroleum Exploration, ONGC, and Petroleum & Gas University, Ploiesti, Romania; and

(iv) MoU on cooperation for enhancing business partnership between CII, India, and the Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Prahova, Romania.