Question : Inspire Scheme

(a) the salient features of the Inspire Scheme along with the details of the funds sanctioned, allocated and utilised under this scheme during the last three years and the current year across the country, State/UTwise including Kerala;

(b) the details of the number of scientists enrolled under this scheme for research during the above-mentioned period;

(c) whether the Government proposes to make some amendments in this scheme, if so, the details thereof along with reasons therefor;

(d) the details of the target set and achievements made under this scheme so far along with its results;

(e) the maximum period of time provided under this scheme for research; and

(f) whether Government is planning to provide some more time to the scientists who fail to secure the regular positions after completion of the regular tenure of the scheme, if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research (INSPIRE) program was conceptualized, designed, developed and is being implemented by the Department of Science and Technology (DST) to identify, sustain and strengthen human capacity for Research and Development base of the country. It has five components spread over three major schemes. These are:

• Scheme for Early Attraction of Talents for Science (SEATS) – INSPIRE Award- MANAK and INSPIRE Internship,
• Scholarship for Higher Education (SHE) – INSPIRE Scholarship, and
• Assured Opportunity for Research Careers (AORC) – INSPIRE Fellowship and INSPIRE Faculty Fellowship.
The broad salient features of the scheme are as under:
• Aims to attract talents, foster creativity, motivate youth and promote research as career.
• An integrated scheme for age band of 10-32 years, covering students from 6th class to post-Ph.D.
• Respect existing examination systems in the country either at School or University level for selection of students in its all components, except INSPIRE Faculty Fellowship which is on competitive mode,
• The Awards or Scholarships or Fellowships are released directly to students in their Bank Account through Direct Benefit Transfer mode.
There is no separate allocation of funds with respect to any state or UT. However, the funds sanctioned and released during the last three years including the state of Kerala are given below in the table.
Year Funds Released (Rs. in Crores) Funds Utilized (Rs. in Crores)
2015-16 475.82 475.82
2016-17 454.29 454.29
2017-18 519.29 519.29
2018-19 (as on 16.07.2018) 132.72 UC Not yet due

(b) 3677 scientists were enrolled for research under this scheme during this period.

(c) No, Madam.

(d) The target set for the scheme is 1,61,200 beneficiaries per year at present. So far 18,67,036 students/ researchers have been enrolled in this scheme, since its inception in December, 2008.

(e) The maximum period of time provided for research is five years each for INSPIRE Fellowship to pursue Ph.D. and INSPIRE Faculty Fellowship for post-Ph.D.

(f) No Madam.


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