Question : PMGSY in Phase-III

(a) the details of funds allotted under third phase of Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana(PMGSY) to the State of Karnataka and North Eastern States along with the
proposals for the North Eastern States particularly the State of Arunachal Pradesh;

(b) the details of the current status of the different proposals made and the funds allocated under the said scheme;

(c) whether the approved projects are likely to be completed within the stipulated time; and

(d) if not, the reasons and details therefor?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (b) The third phase of Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) was launched in the year 2019 for consolidation of 1,25,000 Km Through Routes and Major Rural Links connecting habitations, inter-alia, to Gramin Agricultural Markets (GrAMs), Higher Secondary Schools and Hospitals. The allocated target to the State of Karnataka and North Eastern States, including Arunachal Pradesh under PMGSY-III are as under:-

Name of the State Allocated Target Length (in Km)

Arunachal Pradesh 1,375.00

Assam 4,325.00

Karnataka 5,612.50

Manipur 812.50

Meghalaya 1,225.00

Mizoram 487.50

Nagaland 562.50

Sikkim 287.50

Tripura 775.00

Out of the allocated target, the State of Karnataka has already been sanctioned 5,402 km road length at an estimated cost of Rs. 3,588 crore. The State has submitted proposal for sanction of the balance length.

The State of Assam has so far been sanctioned 2,760 km road length at an estimated cost of Rs.1,955 crore. Proposals under PMGSY-III have not been received from the remaining North Eastern States.

Separate allocations are not made for PMGSY-III. In fact, the allocation of funds to the States for implementation of entire PMGSY depends, inter-alia, on works in hand, pace of expenditure and unspent balance available with the State. The State of Karnataka has an unspent balance of Rs. 80.71 crore as on 23rd July, 2021. Further, annual allocation of central funds for the State for financial year 2021-22 is Rs. 500 crore.

The State of Assam has an unspent balance of Rs. 961.09 crore as on 23rd July, 2021. Further, annual allocation of central funds for the State for financial year 2021-22 is Rs.800 crore.

(c) to (d) The status of completion of the approved projects under PMGSY-III in the States of Karnataka and Assam is as under:-

(Road length in Km)
Name of the State Sanctioned road length Completed road length

Karnataka 5,402 1,090
Assam 2,760 56

As reported by the States, the approved projects are likely to be completed within stipulated time. The timeline for completion for PMGSY-III is March, 2025


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