Question : Allocation of Funds to States

Will the MINISTER OF FINANCE be pleased to state:

the details of amount of funds allocated to the State Governments by the Union Government for various developments works during the last two years and the current year, State-wise including Jharkhand, Punjab and Madhya Pradesh?

Answer given by the minister


Details of funds released to the State Governments including Jharkhand, Punjab and Madhya Pradesh by the Union Government for various developments works during the last two years and the current year, under various components are furnished below:

A upto July, 2017
* Upto May, 2017
State-wise details of Tax Devolution, Finance Commission Grants, and Loans &
Advances, as per the available records, are shown in Annex - A, Annex - B and Annex -C


Annex -A
Statement showing year-wise releases of States'' Share of Union
Taxes and Duties made to the State Governments
( in crore)


Releases of Fourteenth Finance Commission Grants

Annex- B

(t in crore)
Sl. Name of State 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
ActualReleases ActualReleases Allocation Release/\
1 Andhra Pradesh . 8198.88 7342.03 7200.19 1909.75
2 ArunachalPradesh 102.77 171.13 259.42 51.30
3 Assam 2943.97 1728.92 1704.18 520.55
4 Bihar 2875.94 3967.15 5014.23 2211.63
5 Chhattisgarh 968.30 1254.99 1535.20 669.68
6 Goa 20.77 21.46 72.59 10.00
7 Gujarat 2065.06 3117.92 3533.97 745.74
8 Haryana 709.42 1443.51 1422.89 487.09
9 Himachal Pradesh 8436.15 8795.97 8937.69 3043.63
10 Jammu & Kashmir 10489.22 11138.99 13035.46 3949.67
11 Jharkhand 1095.44 1601.30 1858.30 672.60
12 Karnataka 1741.44 2773.16 3198.49 1354.22
13 Kerala 5171.46 4954;78 3190.36 1100.12
14 Madhya Pradesh 2618.15 3874.12 4392.20 1533.41
15 Maharashtra 3926.81 5262.80 6613.75 583.88
16 Manipur 2125.28 2177.48 2184.24 697.00
17 Meghalaya 639.60 557.50 434.54 146.82

18 Mizoram 2165.84

'' 2330.88 2486.90 823.88

19 Nagaland 3212.00 3460.00 3735.13 1238.28
20 Orissa 1678.21 2384.91 2693.92 1073.36
21 Punjab 747.32 1329.56 1605.44 161.25
22 Rajasthan 2732.32 3950.75 4462.70 1523.93
23 Sikkim 46.34 65.80 69.42 15.30
24 Tamil Nadu 2380.74 3263.76 3901.23 280.50
25 Telangana 1077.80 1663.68 1944.98 464.24
26 Tripura 1174.55 1205.11 1199.18 397.29
27 Uttar Pradesh 4850.65 8405.83 9560.08 853.24
28 Uttarakhand 494.33 620.18 736.34 162.60
29 West Bengal 9890.03 6686.65 4507.15 1681.47
Total 84578.79 95550.30 101490.17 28362.39

Annex- C

Loans and advances to States during 2015-16 and 2016-17 (in Crores)

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