Question : Schemes for NE States

(a) the amount allocated to the North Eastern States including Assam and the other States including Haryana under various schemes of the Ministry from 2004 to 2014;
(b) whether the said amount was utilized within the stipulated time frame;
(c) if so, the details thereof; and
(d) if not, the reasons therefor?

Answer given by the minister

(a) to (d): The details of allocation/ utilization of funds to the North Eastern States including Assam and the other States including Haryana under various schemes of the Ministry from 2004 to 2014 is as under:

1. Child Protection Services Scheme: The Ministry is implementing Child Protection Services Scheme under the Mission Vatsalya scheme(erstwhile Integrated Child Protection Scheme) since 2009-10 for supporting the children in difficult circumstances. Under the scheme institutional care is provided through Child Care Institutes (CCIs), as a rehabilitative measure. The programmes and activities in Homes inter-alia include age-appropriate education, access to vocational training, recreation, health care, counselling etc. Under the non-institutional care component, support is extended for adoption, foster care and sponsorship. Further CPS also provides for “After care” services after the age of 18 years to help sustain them during the transition from institutional to independent life. The primary responsibility of execution of the Act and implementation of Scheme rests with the States/UTs. Details of the funds released and utilized under the (CPS) Scheme during the years 2009 to 2014 to the North Eastern States including Assam and other States including Haryana is annexed at Annexure-I.

2. Scheme for Adolescent Girls: Scheme for Adolescent Girls is a Centrally-sponsored scheme which aims at providing nutritional support to out of school girls in the age group of 11-14 years for improving their health and nutritional status under the nutrition component on one hand and motivates them to go back to formal schooling, provides life skill training, accessing public services etc. under non-nutrition component on the other hand. The status of funds released & utilised from 2010-11 to 2014-15 is annexed at Annexure-II.

3. Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY): Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana is being implemented by the Ministry w.e.f. 01.01.2017. Prior to PMMVY, the Ministry was implementing Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana (IGMSY). The IGMSY was launched in the FY 2010-11 for implementation in 53 selected districts of the country on pilot basis. The IGMSY concluded on 31.03.2017 with the introduction of PMMVY. A statement showing details of funds released and utilization reported by States during the period 2010-11 to 2014-15 is annexed at Annexure-III.

4. Anganwadi Services Scheme: Anganwadi Services Scheme, a package of six services is provided to Pregnant Women and Lactating Mothers and to Children under the age of 6 years i.e. (i) Supplementary Nutrition (SNP); (ii) Pre-school Non-formal Education; (iii) Nutrition & Health Education; (iv) Immunization; (v) Health Check-up, and (vi) Referral Services. Three of the six services, viz., Immunization, Health check-up and Referral Services are related to health and are provided through NRHM & Public Health Infrastructure. The information in r.o fund released and expenditure reported by State from F.Y 2006-07 onwards is annexed at Annexure-IV.


Details of the funds released and utilized under the Child Protection Services (CPS) Scheme during the years 2009 to 2014 to the North Eastern States including Assam and other States including Haryana
Rupees in Lakhs

Year-wise details of grants Released and Utilized under Child Protection Services (erstwhile ICPS) since FY 2009 to 2014
Sl. No. Name of the State Released Utilized Released Utilized Released Utilized Released Utilized Released Utilized
2009-10 2009-10 2010-11 2010-11 2011-12 2011-12 2012-13 2012-13 2013-14 2013-14
1 Andhra Pradesh 504.49 217.11 902.54 902.54 2038.24 1084.03 1689.48 1953.42 1206.50 -
2 Arunachal Pradesh - - - - - - 147.05 - 54.74 26.50
3 Assam 129.92 129.92 301.79 301.79 - 242.62 740.36 415.02 1080.00 1020.50
4 Bihar - - 604.58 401.33 318.47 167.80 871.78 791.62 957.56 515.42
5 Chattisgarh 206.13 39.44 - - - - 397.30 340.90 213.34 213.34
6 Goa - - - - - - - - -
7 Gujarat 269.42 269.42 490.54 366.81 626.37 496.13 1213.28 802.81 979.35 1004.35
8 Haryana 25.89 23.63 371.86 265.68 147.29 65.96 748.85 669.14 1085.51 846.59
9 Himachal Pradesh - - - - 314.47 48.92 - 60.33 84.96 153.23
10 Jammu & Kashmir - - - - - - - - -
11 Jharkhand - - - - 420.67 10.46 - 11.53 144.96 471.75
12 Karnataka 203.11 203.11 381.67 356.54 1410.91 1227.37 1856.50 2125.05 2403.63 2388.38
13 Kerala 149.16 135.49 320.21 157.66 495.88 428.16 - 428.16 718.17 426.65
14 Madhya Pradesh 481.62 481.62 - - 240.31 233.69 1223.10 514.84 546.03 -
15 Maharashtra - - 3730.28 3565.66 1174.79 1036.39 1115.11 1115.11 557.56 1510.80
16 Manipur 105.42 105.42 202.29 169.35 216.16 216.16 311.28 0.00 658.15 511.26
17 Meghalaya - - 102.13 86.17 211.25 129.69 474.30 555.86 762.45 762.45
18 Mizoram - - 195.36 120.94 225.46 225.46 504.95 553.22 696.42 712.76
19 Nagaland 190.12 190.12 - - 942.51 942.51 838.32 838.32 911.41 911.41
20 Orissa 146.42 67.44 545.38 503.56 546.98 400.31 671.33 537.93 1227.20 1224.57
21 Punjab - - - - 574.65 - - 10.46 191.27 216.10
22 Rajasthan 225.07 191.03 332.47 - 566.55 20.27 2014.93 1930.62 2347.56 2288.27
23 Sikkim - - - - 88.94 - - - 15.97 54.55
24 Tamil Nadu 193.12 193.12 447.65 346.18 1276.56 830.54 4326.82 1672.87 2131.05 1541.83
25 Tripura - - 221.4 221.4 198.38 121.69 190.30 190.30 124.42 124.42
26 Uttar Pradesh - - - - 2142.25 1271.66 1662.48 1608.77 1109.39 1009.45
27 Uttarakhand - - - - - - - 333.92 -
28 West Bengal 500.86 0 186.83 92.89 1205.52 1059.49 693.25 691.92 2373.04 2046.26
29 Andaman & Nicobar Island - - - - - - - - -
30 Chandigarh - - - - 17.96 17.96 49.84 49.84 17.58 42.26
31 Dadra & Nagar Haveli - - - - - - 12.78 12.78 2.09 3.15
32 Daman & Diu - - - - - - 16.53 7.86 69.28 19.32
33 Delhi - - 237.29 172.66 341.93 334.77 1093.98 319.15 404.73 502.44
34 Lakshadweep - - - - - - - - -
35 Puducherry - - 107.22 107.22 - - 348.09 348.09 64.66 340.46
36 Telangana - - - - - - - - - -
3330.75 2246.87 9681.49 8138.38 15742.5 10612.04 23211.99 18555.92 23472.90 20888.47

Details of funds released from 2010-11 to 2014-15 under Scheme for Adolescent Girls to the North Eastern States including Assam and other States including Haryana
(Rupees in Lakhs)

S.No. Name of the State 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
Released Released Released Released Released
1. Andhra Pradesh 1963.30 3259.70 508.63 1305.11 805.48
2. Arunachal Pradesh 119.58 79.56 135.26 116.83 120.94
3. Assam 1018.79 1592.98 1987.42 2311.46 1042.63
4. Bihar 2773.77 5081.73 1442.76 3289.87 6458.23
5. Chattisgarh 938.71 1472.72 179.15 1076.83 4232.15
6. Goa 79.81 207.98 135.36 130.56 236.44
7. Gujarat 1357.68 2647.22 2625.60 4707.30 2270.30
8. Haryana 405.22 701.44 455.38 269.66 792.09
9. Himachal Pradesh 307.18 550.34 595.68 574.95 583.71
10. Jammu & Kashmir 290.55 453.64 282.56 466.80 292.12
11. Jharkhand 754.27 1493.32 1244.03 150.99 944.50
12. Karnataka 711.68 3053.55 2438.80 3118.78 4345.49
13. Kerala 881.73 1284.66 852.56 1511.57 802.45
14. Madhya Pradesh 2470.64 4069.18 6623.00 6554.02 7395.74
15. Maharashtra 2568.49 3957.22 1550.81 2797.64 386.74
16. Manipur 116.29 152.76 121.23 53.20 21.15
17. Meghalaya 142.48 306.76 179.16 383.58 296.92
18. Mizoram 73.32 78.24 84.94 111.15 96.37
19. Nagaland 87.05 147.49 183.60 240.73 185.31
20. Odisha 1553.44 2382.98 2404.90 4003.62 3528.36
21. Punjab 591.30 874.80 538.53 0.00 0.00
22. Rajasthan 1777.37 3369.05 4031.00 5163.67 4301.48
23. Sikkim 41.80 66.05 19.99 30.90 55.99
24. Tamilnadu 1271.80 2686.32 2174.03 3774.02 4322.41
25. Telangana New state 1226.48
26. Tripura 240.35 455.06 447.88 599.60 622.77
27. Uttar Pradesh 4689.86 11749.87 12975.15 13836.29 14642.59
28. Uttaranchal 355.49 511.48 333.23 0.00 243.19
29. West Bengal 1647.06 2758.74 2621.14 0.00 0.00
30. A & N Island 31.76 51.99 93.61 24.36 93.11
31. Chandigarh 32.94 48.78 0.00 5.70 7.78
32. Daman & Diu 12.66 16.44 16.46 0.00 0.00
33. D & N Haveli 18.19 24.98 0.00 22.99 0.00
34. Delhi 333.68 496.36 579.77 884.48 655.20
35. Lakshadweep 6.61 8.94 0.00 3.52 0.00
36. Pondicherry 8.56 19.02 28.59 16.26 24.02
29673.41 56111.35 47890.21 57536.41 61032.12

Annexure-II (contd.)
Details of funds utilised from 2010-11 to 2014-15 under Scheme for Adolescent Girls to the North Eastern States including Assam and other States including Haryana

(Rupees in Lakhs)

S.No. State/UT 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
1 Andhra Pradesh 0 908.9 3213.92 1456.75 1864.15
2 Arunachal Pradesh 13.18 185.96 135.26 67.63 95.29
3 Assam 0 2611.58 1944.59 1717.88 749.91
4 Bihar 0 2953.48 3114.70 6541.17 6261.54
5 Chhattisgarh 0 298.05 1853.69 2779.55 2833.08
6 Goa 0 221.5 137.19 138.28 250.62
7 Gujarat 676.24 3606.43 3737.05 2995.01 5765.97
8 Haryana 3.99 534.29 563.68 629.31 836.00
9 Himachal Pradesh 168.78 436.28 797.79 599.67 626.76
10 Jammu and Kashmir 0 467.65 525.119 435.32 136.31
11 Jharkhand 0 1230.714 404.32 1334.00 254.87
12 Karnataka 33.89 3418.68 3293.85 4119.58 3244.55
13 Kerala 512.55 1348.16 861.29 1468.62 1639.27
14 Madhya Pradesh 497.72 5560.8 7609.28 7288.29 6972.94
15 Maharashtra 0 1549.28 5054.26 2582.15 2424.37
16 Manipur 63.09 142.88 26.60 60.43 109.04
17 Meghalaya 113.04 247.88 267.46 341.77 338.72
18 Mizoram 73.32 75.92 84.94 103.46 101.25
19 Nagaland 87.05 147.49 183.60 240.74 188.51
20 Odisha 0 2521.68 3850.17 3752.82 3477.67
21 Punjab 190 231.11 447.34 20.21 934.70
22 Rajasthan 982.78 4283.85 4575.61 5189.21 5504.85
23 Sikkim 1.12 68.58 30.90 54.71 55.86
24 Tamil Nadu 371.8 3236.78 2519.75 4661.01 4420.50
25 Telangana 0 0 0.00 0.00 1226.48
26 Tripura 0 688.23 447.88 547.27 622.45
27 Uttar Pradesh 1347.035 14212.19 13811.97 15120.30 15803.13
28 Uttarakhand 125.24 192.94 0.00 110.19 87.27
29 West Bengal 0 0 1522.69 221.80 261.61
30 A & N Island 26.32 40 89.38 69.66 22.25
31 Chandigarh 6.12 22.92 11.08 11.35 6.42
32 Daman & Diu 0 10.14 14.22 0.00 0.00
33 D & N Haveli 0 23.37 22.99 0.00 0.00
34 Delhi 0 561.73 749.41 837.84 496.75
35 Lakshadweep 0 0 0.00 0.00 2.89
36 Pondicherry 0 27.14 25.47 19.37 24.01
Total 5293.27 52066.58 61927.45 65515.35 67639.99

Details of the funds released and utilized under the Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana (IGMSY) during the years 2010-11 to 2014-15 to the North Eastern States including Assam and other States including Haryana

(Rupees in Lakhs)

Sl. No. Name of the States/UTs 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
Funds Released Utilisation Reported Funds Released Utilisation Reported Funds Released Utilisation Reported Funds Released Utilisation Reported Funds Released Utilisation Reported
1 Andhra Pradesh 1021.11 0.00 2451.79 570.34 2734.68 2902.53 1814.47 3174.35 3004.65 2100.90
2 Arunachal Pradesh 15.80 0.00 41.60 57.40 23.59 11.69 0.00 11.91 41.49 41.49
3 Assam 674.85 0.00 1751.53 11.63 0.00 674.85 149.78 2186.92 1744.74 NR
4 Bihar 983.53 0.00 2420.89 605.18 0.00 2440.13 1758.10 3849.02 4862.81 2747.60
5 Chhattisgarh 435.73 0.00 1069.62 259.75 557.76 936.79 1456.53 678.66 859.86 1081.75
6 Goa 68.87 0.00 170.34 138.28 57.40 159.29 300.95 115.68 164.30 257.60
7 Gujarat 276.09 0.00 689.79 965.37 1271.23 1078.92 1007.80 1085.70 1504.88 1611.16
8 Haryana 50.01 0.00 130.30 135.43 50.35 94.63 343.65 46.20 - 216.42
9 Himachal Pradesh 64.93 0.00 173.24 169.08 64.84 83.74 124.30 140.36 295.19 180.56
10 Jammu & Kashmir 148.08 0.00 378.46 502.60 349.04 172.03 665.24 689.44 522.38 NR
11 Jharkhand 502.52 0.00 1174.25 251.03 0.00 307.10 34.64 320.55 - 331.26
12 Karnataka 740.61 0.00 1884.22 734.30 0.00 1188.78 1452.81 1124.55 - 1203.03
13 Kerala 357.69 0.00 862.72 1204.32 553.45 954.79 1390.69 1274.86 934.59 567.47
14 Madhya Pradesh 770.55 0.00 1931.14 3030.23 1698.75 1552.29 2128.07 1942.89 3627.44 2909.29
15 Maharashtra 456.90 0.00 1121.18 540.06 0.00 2066.32 3160.24 2078.19 2838.51 2663.22
16 Manipur 48.81 0.00 131.88 138.70 43.72 41.98 0.00 NR - NR
17 Meghalaya 61.16 15.00 158.92 92.78 0.00 58.64 53.93 33.18 - NR
18 Mizoram 31.43 0.00 84.88 0.52 54.76 26.20 0.00 28.54 19.39 19.39
19 Nagaland 26.99 0.00 70.26 97.25 39.79 15.79 60.64 57.09 56.90 56.90
20 Odisha 557.81 0.00 1258.35 550.10 336.84 1498.41 2038.85 1549.84 1796.57 1788.41
21 Punjab 373.41 0.00 982.30 23.00 0.00 603.65 66.20 355.82 - 418.59
22 Rajasthan 884.82 0.00 2300.22 744.90 0.00 1629.49 935.01 1750.97 3640.40 2156.69
23 Sikkim 13.86 0.00 39.34 36.37 8.75 15.95 7.87 13.74 24.12 24.80
24 Tamil Nadu 449.09 0.00 1150.07 1020.74 0.00 1430.12 3032.19 2997.68 2241.40 2405.76
25 Telangana - - - - - - - - 1877.78 1877.78
26 Tripura 85.59 0.00 213.81 67.61 0.00 191.72 161.76 100.82 209.70 73.16
27 Uttar Pradesh 901.81 0.00 2294.67 476.54 0.00 431.26 95.29 212.61 - 99.11
28 Uttarakhand 134.45 0.00 297.43 419.87 332.14 299.18 322.64 525.19 570.58 516.34
29 West Bengal 1023.05 0.00 2517.43 0.00 0.00 1941.95 394.82 1038.86 3016.90 2072.68
30 Delhi 426.56 0.00 1104.53 132.70 0.00 413.55 58.65 580.78 371.42 412.75
31 A &N Islands 24.02 8.05 63.51 62.90 12.44 12.44 122.32 116.36 44.35 44.30
32 Puducherry 5.76 0.00 18.76 15.40 7.61 7.77 32.75 11.71 24.58 45.63
33 Chandigarh 114.64 0.00 283.58 29.39 60.69 86.21 20.23 129.77 - 32.80
34 Daman & Diu 7.33 0.00 24.04 0.00 0.00 18.86 4.13 5.58 18.70 5.56
35 D & N H 35.80 0.00 88.30 55.66 0.00 21.60 11.29 11.37 - 0.00
36 Lakshadweep 22.24 0.00 50.52 NR 0.00 0.00 0.00 NR - NR
Total 11795.89 23.05 29383.87 13139.43 8257.83 23368.65 23205.84 28239.19 34313.63 27962.40
- Not Released NR – Not Reported

Details of the funds released and utilized under the Integrated Child Development Services (Anganwadi Services) Scheme during the years 2006-07 to 2013-14 to the North Eastern States including Assam and other States including Haryana

Rupees in Lakhs
Name of State/UT 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010
Funds released Exp. Reported by
States Funds released Exp. Reported by
States Funds released Exp. Reported by
States Funds released Exp. Reported
By States
PRADESH 9052.04 20830.23 13718.25 31327.83 18994.92 24012.76
66259.83 92324.12
2 BIHAR 11828.92 24681.78 19192.72 30395.74 15346.08 53026.76 69660.6 124974.02
3 CHHATTISGARH 2953.64 7248.28 10452.14 12490.22 5429.43 18362.40 21530.39 35705.82
4 GOA 175.41 303.58 169.52 414.46 123.83 314.62 1192.41 1746.62
5 GUJARAT 4297.21 7781.86 3855.01 12173.16 7464.33 13083.58 24328.35 45772.3
6 HARYANA 2829.56 7273.83 5216.72 13602.74 5143.00 11513.23 14824.71 25589.88
PRADESH 629.63 1947.09 1017.58 2585.96 2282.58 4542.58 9941.89 14276.21
KASHMIR 653.20 2811.91 917.69 2306.62 697.98 4326.66 9953.43 8383.48
9 JHARKHAND 11154.47 14340.13 6997.88 16645.22 6545.80 18897.10 29591.2 67668.21
10 KARNATAKA 9407.65 19116.76 9298.19 21537.21 10936.42 24644.90 46904.75 79483.01
11 KERALA 3666.11 7716.88 3979.14 10754.76 5597.50 11847.50 21582.85 30015.5
PRADESH 5770.97 17159.58 18263.25 30328.89 8290.06 27156.38 42312.7 86337.27
13 MAHARASHTRA 8443.33 28713.90 16770.11 36129.80 20646.17 19452.73 52130.92 96092.87
14 ORISSA 6646.40 7977.99 6295.06 19011.50 8729.46 20449.24 35994.49 52977.57
15 PUNJAB 3138.07 4016.54 1691.46 4311.06 2282.68 4560.02 10527.48 19408.69
16 RAJASTHAN 8571.57 15719.44 11067.07 20210.20 10957.94 23694.28 33269.18 50931.7
17 TAMILNADU 3451.94 6235.00 3521.89 14254.00 5428.14 13752.00 30921.51 50292.47
18 UTTARPRADESH 41902.48 79421.07 47968.74 109749.59 57090.72 108780.47 137631.72 234759.86
19 UTTARAKHAND 1347.89 2510.00 2367.65 4627.55 1202.36 1062.94 4336.91 6769.53
20 WESTBENGAL 5916.07 16829.56 14392.25 25715.41 16810.60 30208.15 50316.79 92463.49
NICOBAR 93.67 387.68 67.45 418.76 108.78 444.01 433.46 803.9
22 CHANDIGARH 154.76 211.75 46.17 155.42 96.87 206.87 446.07 468.6
HAVELI 22.59 88.43 96.57 117.19 47.33 121.93 221.42 181.87
24 DAMAN&DIU 13.74 63.00 0 72.00 27.48 2.96 106.92 236.28
25 LAKSHADWEEP 39.91 77.64 27.75 83.66 50.92 113.96 163.9 75.87
26 DELHI 694.29 1692.40 516.47 2988.24 1417.03 4865.10 7308.85 9893.53
27 PONDICHERRY 55.03 343.71 200.64 395.66 82.97 446.19 362.38 766.03
PRADESH 879.60 679.84 461.37 1307.54 326.68 880.27 3978.91 4477.47
29 ASSAM 3711.54 4799.71 3376.61 9098.72 10541.20 12177.16 41212.62 36601.54
30 MANIPUR 914.32 1778.50 926.30 2295.08 1129.16 2371.87 4785.03 4887.13
31 MEGHALAYA 1023.42 2092.65 1007.99 2548.10 1362.96 3151.73 7348.16 9532.79
32 MIZORAM 488.97 1365.21 535.20 1241.20 766.71 1494.85 4102.06 4190.2
33 NAGALAND 1188.71 1798.71 991.99 2191.99 1303.31 2503.31 7653.11 5834.88
34 SIKKIM 95.77 521.77 64.68 411.49 95.53 634.95 1454.6 1270.19
35 TRIPURA 707.69 1711.90 759.54 1487.29 774.40 1906.42 10214.49 6946.96
Total 151920.57 310248.31 206231.05 443384.26 228131.33 465009.88 803004.09 1302139.86

Rupees in Lakhs
S.No Name of State/UT 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
Funds released Exp. Reported by
States Funds released Exp. Reported by
States Funds released Exp. Reported by
States Funds released Exp. Reported
By States
PRADESH 52642.99 106831.51 92895.37 149209.67 110011.33 141522.07 111334.49 169925.2
2 BIHAR 73521.14 86703.17 81909.11 121393.31 107957.00 157647.59 107609.68 216193.18
3 CHHATTISGARH 26276.60 42171.18 38502.25 58677.58 53860.37 60688.87 50459.30 32009.38
4 GOA 1220.97 1580.89 1257.49 1892.62 1859.53 1931.36 1567.58 780.61
5 GUJARAT 30918.18 64296.33 80665.68 87087.87 60144.11 87054.57 60807.51 33243.99
6 HARYANA 16029.44 22680.64 22752.56 29322.76 30331.08 34820.58 31266.40 27320.17
PRADESH 11193.59 13680.11 14723.44 18850.47 17014.46 20201.69 17278.95 10214.6
KASHMIR 16701.40 10596.73 16958.11 18277.40 26029.50 36271.67 29610.25 30.51
9 JHARKHAND 41356.78 51301.96 32638.51 46759.24 38673.75 61462.18 49930.46 55942.39
10 KARNATAKA 42973.88 80997.30 76766.99 97517.46 67426.31 113225.28 75135.57 91429.77
11 KERALA 20823.09 31316.64 37075.31 33076.67 27472.04 39045.33 35995.97 18252.91
PRADESH 70090.32 127947.83 92877.29 152465.91 147086.26 169751.28 102418.63 130805.79
13 MAHARASHTRA 62853.48 121168.51 142969.35 205753.00 140032.78 215117.47 129519.81 116931.73
14 ORISSA 41167.69 72423.36 68328.66 86867.96 66424.71 102438.85 97438.29 114207.39
15 PUNJAB 16235.22 19693.47 26258.52 30732.12 29429.25 31481.2 24546.11 12918.26
16 RAJASTHAN 37463.41 69639.04 59253.76 89506.17 68853.08 98296.03 65232.45 68051.55
17 TAMILNADU 38715.60 60292.20 54283.32 47989.84 42882.04 86535.21 65605.57 66496.58
18 UTTARAKHAND 5161.39 6818.40 11815.29 13143.01 12036.13 12820.79 17763.50 15477.84
19 UTTARPRADESH 186898.41 320591.42 221764.68 335236.64 250471.26 380877.96 235448.38 459519.9
20 WESTBENGAL 65991.03 107997.06 116162.04 133060.91 106618.64 153266.77 123227.84 68586.2
21 DELHI 7648.51 12486.21 6935.94 16488.18 16495.76 21595.7 17700.74 25044.76
22 PONDICHERRY 751.49 993.96 1728.79 1048.54 387.11 1188.33 736.39 457.51
NICOBAR 432.25 755.57 720.73 1087.03 575.17 944.54 391.79 1558.58
24 CHANDIGARH 374.33 524.34 627.50 863.82 685.85 890.47 731.19 532.08
HAVELI 200.43 214.29 198.43 134.82 238.37 37.57 378.31 37.92
26 DAMAN&DIU 91.76 124.79 114.85 263.61 188.1 250.16 161.19 296.09
27 LAKSHADWEEP 57.18 175.56 199.52 323.35 146.44 155.97 147.46 99.6
PRADESH 9439.42 8568.17 9776.70 11325.99 12392.5 10645.63 10344.16 4386.83
29 ASSAM 57982.42 48660.31 68745.78 83773.51 90085.33 82297.54 103145.19 52861.09
30 MANIPUR 8157.31 9033.56 8172.36 7641.42 7700.66 5001.89 16140.54 5333.16
31 MEGHALAYA 8133.31 8856.04 9489.85 10279.31 10608.84 10491.28 14287.83 13609.96
32 MIZORAM 4557.61 4858.35 4581.50 5069.31 5480.34 5645.8 4772.89 5961.83
33 NAGALAND 7046.38 9860.71 10785.86 9410.71 8526.31 8571.73 8912.80 7566.13
34 SIKKIM 865.73 1562.85 1335.71 1968.75 2115.37 1975.25 2607.14 1406.2
35 TRIPURA 11596.61 8395.49 13235.36 13148.74 9437.63 10832.63 13651.31 14493.49
Total 975569.35 1533797.95 1426506.61 1919647.70 1569677.41 2164981.24 1626305.67 1841983.18

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