Tripathi , Shri Krishna Dev

Tripathi , Shri Krishna Dev

Party Name : Congress
Constituency : Unnao
State : Uttar Pradesh
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 2 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 4

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TRIPATHI, SHRI KRISHNA DEV, B.A. (Hons.), M.A., M.S.S. (The Hague), Cong., (Uttar Pradesh-Unnao-1967):  s. of late Shri Vishwambhar Dayal Tripathi; b. at Vill. Bangarmau, Distt. Unnao, April 6, 1930; ed. at the University of Lucknow and the institute Of Social Studies, The Hague (Netherlands); topped the merit list in B.A. (Hons.) and M.A. (Political Science) examinations of the University of Lucknow and was awarded Narendra Deva Madho Rao Gold Medal; awarded Research Fellowship by the Netherlands Universities Foundation for International Cooperation; studied at the Institute of Social Studies at The Hague and obtained the research degree of Master of Social Sciences: participated in the 1954 session of The Hague Academy of International Law; m. Shrimati Shanti, June 1, 1950; Teacher; Lecturer in the Department of Political Science, University of Lucknow, 1951-52; Head, Post-graduate Department of Political Science, Subhas National College, Unnao. 1952—58 and also its Vice-Principal, 1955—58: Principal, Ganjdundwara Degree College, 1958—61; Member, (1) Faculty of Arts, Agra University, 1952 and 1954; (2) Senate, Agra University 1954, 1960 and 1961; arrested during the Quit India movement in 1942: was arrested and externed from Charkhari State during the accession movement in 1946; several times arrested in late forties for taking heading part in the Student movement; General Secretary, Students Congress, 1947-48 and its President 1949-50; Member, Working Committee, Indian Students Congress, 1946—50; Member Unnao Distt, Congress Committee, 1948—52, U.P. Congress Committee, 1952 and All India Congress Committee, since 1964; Secretary, Unnao Distt. Kisan Congress, 1951—53; joined the Socialist Party of India in 1957; Secretary, Unnao Distt. Socialist Party, 1957-58 and Disciplinary Committee, U.P. Socialist Party, 1957-58; President, Unnao Distt. Harijan Sewak Sangh, 1957-58: Member, (1) Third L,ok Sabha, 1962—67; (2) Consultative Committees of Parliament for Ministries of Education, Community Development, Panchayati Raj and Cooperation, Information and Broadcasting and Railways (Northern and North-Eastern); (3) Joint Select Committees on Administrator's General Bill, 1962 and Delhi Secondary Education Bill, 1965; (4) Post and Telegraph Advisory Committee, U.P., 1962—64; (5) Advisory Committee for Lucknow and Allahabad Stations of the All India Radio, since 1965. Social activities:  Manager and Secretary, C.P.T.N. Higher Secondary School, Ugu, Distt. Unnao, 1955—58; associated with a number of Junior High Schools, High Schools and Intermediate Colleges and Chairman and Member of their Boards of Management. Favourite pastime and recreation:  Travel. Special interest:  Study of current political literature. Publications:  Research Papers and articles in Journals. Sports:  Chess and Badminton. Travels abroad:  U.S.A., U.K., Western Europe, Middle-east, Pakistan, Thailand and Hongkong. Permanent address:  Bangarmau, Distt. Unnao, Uttar Pradesh.