Tiwari , Shri Lal Bihari

Tiwari , Shri Lal Bihari

Party Name : Bharatiya Janata Party
Constituency : East Delhi
State : Delhi
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 3 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 13

Father's Name : Shri Laxmi Kant Tiwari
Mother's Name :
Date of birth : 30 Nov 1941
Profession : Agriculturist Social Worker
Positions held :
1967 onwards General-Secretary, Mandal Ghonda, Bharatiya Jana Sangh, (B.J.S.)President, Mandal Ghonda, B.J.S.Mantri, Vice-President, Bharatiya Janata Party (B.J.P.), District ShahdaraPresident, B.J.P., District East DelhiSecretary, Delhi Pradesh, B.J.P.1993-97 Member, Delhi Legislative AssemblyMinister, Food and Supplies, Delhi1997 Elected to 11th Lok Sabha1997-98 Member, Committee on Home AffairsMember, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Food, Civil Supplies and Public Distribution (Consumer Affairs)1998 Re-elected to 12th Lok Sabha (2nd term)1998-99 Member, Committee on Home Affairs and its Sub-Committee on Personnel Policy of Central Para-Military Forces (CPMFs)Member, Committee on Private Members’ Bills and ResolutionsMember, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas1999 Re-elected to 13th Lok Sabha (3rd term)1999-2000 Member, Committee on Home AffairsMember, Committee on Estimates2000-2001 Member, Committee on Estimates
More Information :
Literary, Artistic & Scientific Accomplishments
Encouragement to literateurs and artists; knowledge of Sanskrit
Social And Cultural Activities
Associated for the last 25 years with several trade unions and social and cultural institutions of the downtrodden living in jhuggi-jhopris and unauthorised colonies; led many agitations for the issues directly related to the poor from time to time
Special Interests
Social service, particularly for the poor and the helpless;
Favourite Pastime and Recreation
Classical music and folk songs
Other Information
Member, (i) Advisory Council, Delhi Development Authority, 1998-99; (ii) Rajghat Samadhi Committee, 1998; and (iii) Gandhi Samarak Samiti, 1998-99