Sumat Prasad , Shri

Sumat Prasad , Shri

Party Name : Congress
Constituency : Muzaffarnagar
State : Uttar Pradesh
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 2 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 3

More Information :
SUMAT PRASAD, SHRI, B.A., Cong., (U.P.—Muzafarnagar—1962):  S. of Shri Hoshiar Singh; B. Muzaffarnagar Town, August 1893; ed. at Govt. School, Muzaffarnagar and Meerut College; m. Shrimati Madan Sundari Devi; 1. D.; Advocate; Joined non-cooperation movement in 1920 and took part in all political movements since then; Chairman, Municipal Board; Muzaffarnagar 1923—26; President, Rural Development Association, Muzaffarnagar, 1937—40; President, Hastinapur City Board for about 2 years till 1952; Member, U.P. Legislative Council, 1946—52; Member, Rajya Sabha, 1952—57 and Lok Sabha 1957—62. Social activities:  Connected with various educational institutions in his Distt.; Member, Executive Committee of S. D. Degree College, Muzaffarnagar, for last 20 years; Taking part in constructive programme of Congress since 1920, particularly rural development of his Distt. Hobbies:  Promotion of education and political work. Special interest:  Rural uplift. Permanent address:  78, New Mandi, Muzaffarnagar. [Voting results at the Election: Electorate:  4,03,385 Shri Sumat Prasad                                        . .                  74,725 Shri Latafat All Khan                                     . .                  57,004 Shri Jaipal Singh                                           . .                   45,103 Shri Ratan Lal                                               . .                   33,026 Shri Balbir Singh                                           . .                     8,839].