Singh , Dr. Basant Narain

Singh , Dr. Basant Narain

Party Name : Janata Party
Constituency : Hazaribagh
State : Bihar
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 4 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 7

More Information :
SINGH, DR. BASANT NARAIN,. Ph. D.  [Janata—Bihar, Hazaribagh, 1980]  s. of late Raja Lakshmi Narain Singh: b. at Padma Village, Hazaribagh District, April 9, 1918; ed. at Rajkumar College, Raipur, Mayo College Ajmer and International University, U.S.A.; m. Princess Vijaya Raje Dhar State, March 6, 1945; 1 s. and 1 d.; Agriculturist, Social Worker and Businessman; previously associated with Swatantra Party, Janata Party (Bihar) 1952-71, Jan Sangh, 1972-77; Cabinet Minister, Govt. of Bihar, 1967-71; holding the portfolios of Forest, Excise, Revenue, Public Works Department and Irrigation from time to time; Deputy Chairman (with the rank, of Cabinet Minister, Govt. of Bihar) North Chotanagpur Autonomous Development Authority since October 1978; President, Bharatiya Jan Sangh, Bihar, 1974-77; Chairman, District Board, Hazaribagh, 1948-58; Member, Bihar State Legislative Assembly, 1952-62 and 1967-74; Member, (i) Third Lok Sabha, 1962-67 and (ii) Sixth Lok Sabha, 1977-79.   Favourite pastime and recreation:  Reading and Gardening.   Special interests:  Farming, social service, uplift of Scheduled Castes, and Scheduled Tribes.   Sports and clubs:  Life Member, (i) National Sports Club of India, and (ii) Station Club, Hazaribagh, Bihar.   Travels abroad:  Travelled extensively in Europe, U.S.A., West Asian Countries and U.S.S.R., in 1939, 1958, 1959, 1960.   Permanent address:  Udayachal—Matwari Road, Hazaribagh District, Bihar.