Sharma , Shri Yagya Datt

Sharma , Shri Yagya Datt

Party Name : Janata Party
Constituency : Gurdaspur
State : Punjab
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 2 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 6

More Information :
SHARMA, SHRI YAGYA DATT, Kaviraj Vidhya Nidhi, B.A., Janata (Punjab—Gurdaspur—1977); s. of Pt. Dinanath Sharma; b. at Takhatgarh Village, Ropar  District, October  28, 1922; ed at D.A. V. High School, Hissar, Haryana; Dayanand  Ayurvedic  College Lahore Brahma College, Lahore and D.A. V. Collage, Lahore; m. Smt. Prakashwati Sharma,  May 15, 1940; 4 s. and 2 d.; Ayurvedic Physician; Agriculturist;  Political and Social Worker; previously associated with Bhartiya Jan Sangh; offered satyagraha at Amritsar to protest against  the Emergency in 1975-76; arrested  under M.I.S.A. In June 1975 and released after 19 months in January 1977; Secretary, Panjab State Bhartiya Jan Sangh, 1958—66; Organising Secretary, Akhil Bhartiya  Jan Sangh, 1967—69; All India Secretary, Bhartiya Jan Sangh, 1969-73 and Vice-President  Akhil Bhartiya Jan Sangh, 1974—77; President, Punjab Janata Party; Member, Working Committee, All India  Janata Party; Member, Senate and Syndicate, Guru Nanak University, Punjab; Publicity Secretary, All India Save Hindi Committee; 1957—59; General Secretary, Punjab State Anti-Corruption  Front, 1962—65; Member, Fourth Lok Sabha, 1967—70, Chairman, Committee on Government Assurances, 1977-78; Member, Consultative Committee of Ministry at Home Affairs. Social activities:  Uplift of  down-trodden people; Organised  (i) Famine Relief Service through Arya Samaj, Seva Sangh, 1943-44, (ii) free dispensaries run by Arya Samaj for the service of the poor and the Harijans  and Haryana  and Himachal Pradesh during 1945 —50 and (iii) Rehabilitation service for displaced persons through Punjab Relief Society 1947-48; Working for the promotion of Sikh-Hindu Unity in Punjab since 1955. Favourite pastime and recreation:  Reading, Swimming and tourism. Special interests:  Writing on philosophical, moralistic, cultural and ethical themes and talks on All-India Radio. Permanent address:  Takhatgarh P.O., Roopnagar  District, Punjab.