Sen , Shri Robin

Sen , Shri Robin

Party Name : Communist Party of India (Marxist)
Constituency : Asansol
State : West Bengal
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 2 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 6

More Information :
SEN, SHRI ROBIN, C.P.I.-M. (West Bengal—Asansol—1977):  s. of late Shri Nalini Mohan Sen; b. at Senhati, Khulna District, Bangladesh March 1923; ed. at Senhati High School, Khulna, Bangabashi College, Calcutta; Unmarried; Political worker and trade unionist; previously associated with Bolshevik-Leninist Party of India (Trotskyte); Member, West Bengal State Committee of Communist Party of India (Marxist); Secretary, Burdwan District Committee of Communist Party of India (Marxist); Member; Working Committee, Centre of Indian Trade Unions; took active part in the students' movements, 1940—43; imprisoned several times for political and trade union activities; dismissed From Royal Indian Air Force for taking pan in political activities, 1946; detained under Defence of India Rules in 1963-64 and 1964-65; traveled from Calcutta to Ramgarh by foot to attend the 'anticompromise' session at Ramgarh; Member, Fifth Lok Sobha, 1971—1977. Favourite pastime and recreation:  Visiting places of historical importance. Special interest:  Politics. Permanent address:  87, Upear Garden, Asansol, P.O., Burdwan District, West Bengal.