Ray , Shri Birakisor

Ray , Shri Birakisor

Party Name : Congress
Constituency : Cuttack
State : Orissa
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 1

More Information :
RAY, SHRI BIRAKISOR. B.A., B.L., Cong. (Orissa—Cuttack— 1955); S. of Late Shri Radhashyam Rautrai Pattanaik: B. Bagalgarh, Distt. Cuttack, October 30, 1891; ed. at Ravenshaw College, Cuttack and University Law College, Calcutta; m. Latika Devi; 4 S. and 6 D.; Advocate General, Orissa, Cuttack, 1937—1945; Puisne Judge, High Court, Patna, 1945— 1948; Chief Justice, Orissa High Court, Cuttack, 1948—1951; First President,  Juristic Society, Orissa, Cuttack; Member, Oriya Peoples' Association, 1925—1940; President, Oriya Peoples' Association, 1940—1945; President, Utkal Sahitva Samaj, 1943—1945; Founder-President, All (Orissa Retired Officers Association, 1951 —1955; Founder, Public  Library, Utkal Sahitya Samaj. Hobby: Gardening. Special interest: Law and International Affairs. Favourite pastime: Reading and gardening. Recreation: Music. Permanent address: Kishore Bhawan, Cuttack.