Ramani , Shri K.

Ramani , Shri K.

Party Name : Communist Party(Marxist)
Constituency : Coimbatore
State : Madras
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 4

More Information :
RAMANI, SHRI K., Comm. (M), (Madras-Coimbatore—1967):  s. of  Shri P. Shankaran ; b. at Edappal  Vill., Ponnani  Taluk,  Kerala,  March  16,1916; m. Shrimati N. Syamala, March 11,1956; 2 d.;  full time  Trade Union  and Communist  Party worker;  associated  with  the Indian National Congress  till 1940; suffered imprisonment on a  number of occasions,  before and after  independence, for political activities. Social activities:  Working for the improvement of the living and working conditions of workers, Harijans and other poor class people. Special interests:  Politics, philosophy of socialism and Communism and study of languages. Publications:  "I saw a developing China" and a number of  small  booklets on  Trade Union problems. Travels abroad:  China, U.S.S.R. and Austria. Permanent address:  58, V. K. Krishna Menon Road, Sidhopudur, Coimbatore-18, Madras.