Ramamurti , Shri P.

Ramamurti , Shri P.

Party Name : Communist Party(Marxist)
Constituency : Madurai
State : Madras
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 4

More Information :
RAMAMURTI, SHRI P., B.Sc, Comm. (M). 'Madras-Madurai—1967):  s. of Shri Panchapkesa Sastri; b. at Madras, September 20, 1909; ed. at Presidency College, Madras and Banaras Hindu University; m. Shrimati Amba, 1952; 2 d.; Polititcal  Worker;  previously  associated  with  the  Indian  National  Congress;  Member,  A.I.C.C., and  Tamilnad  Congress  Working  Committee, till 1945; active Trade Unionist since 1934; Vice-President, All India Trade Union Congress; Member and Leader of Opposition Madras Legislative Assembly, 1952—57; Member, Rajya Sabha, April, 1960 to April, 1966. Publications:  Written a number of pamphlets on Trade Union and current political issues. Travels abroad:  Russia (as delegate to the World Conference of Communist Parties, I960), Brussels (as workers' delegate to I.L.O. Bodies) Permanent address:  1, Mandian Asari Lane, Town Hall Road, Madurai, Madras.