Rajesh Kumar Singh , Shri

Rajesh Kumar Singh , Shri

Party Name : Independents
Constituency : Firozabad-SC
State : Uttar Pradesh
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 7

More Information :
RAJESH KUMAR SINGH. SHRI, B.A.  [Janata (S)- Uttar Pradesh Firozabad (Res. Sch. Castes, 1980]  s. of Shri Shankar kumar Singh; b. at Lodhai Village, Agra  District, March 25, 1942; ed. at Calcutta University; m. Smt. Asha Singh, 1960; 3 s. and  2 d.; Agriculturist and Social and Political Worker; previously associated with S.S.P., B.L.D. and Janata Party; took part in many agitations during Emergency and was imprisoned several, times; Member, U.P. State Executive, S.S.P., 1973-74; Secretary, Lok Dal, Agra District, 1975-76; Convener,  Janata Party, Agra District, 1977; Member, (i) Uttar Pradesh Excutive, S.S.P., 1973-74; Secretary,  Lok Dal, Agra District, 1975-76; Corporation Committee, 1977-79 and (iii) Housing and Kitchen Committee, 1979-January, 1980; presently Member, Committee On Papers Laid on the Table.    Favourite pastime and recreation : Sports and theatre.   Special interests : Study.   Sport and clubs : Football, Volley-ball, Badminton and Cricket.    Permanent address : Lodhai  Village, Agra District, Uttar Pradesh.