Rajbhar , Shri Chandra Dev Prasad

Rajbhar , Shri Chandra Dev Prasad

Party Name : Samajwadi Party
Constituency : Ghosi
State : Uttar Pradesh
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 14

Father's Name : Shri Banshi Dhar
Mother's Name : Smt. Dasi Devi
Date of birth : 02 Jan 1953
Profession : Teacher Medical Practitioner
Positions held :
2004 Elected to 14th Lok SabhaMember, Committee on Labour5 Aug. 2007 onwards Member, Standing Committee on Labour
More Information :
Social And Cultural Activities
Serving the poor and the downtrodden in the country; propogation of socialist ideology for educational, political and economic development of the deprived classes; development of spirit of brotherhood among all classes of society; enhancing spirit of patriotism and fraternity among the people of the country
Special Interests
Visiting places of pilgrimage and other areas in the country; social service; helping the helpless and the handicapped; `Svadhyaya` and `Dhyan Yoga`
Favourite Pastime and Recreation
Picnic with the family members; participation in cultural programmes and spiritual discourse; visiting tourist spots, places of spiritual, historical and geographical importance and natural beauty; watching Doordarshan programmes and going to club, cinema; watching films on social, family and spiritual subjects.
Sports and Clubs
Physical exercise and yoga; watching sports such as hockey, football, volleyball, circket, gymnastics, etc.
Other Information
Being active in political field, interested in execution of works for development of his area and progress of country; Leturer, Agricultural Education, Kanhiya Inter College, Bhind, Ballia; Vice-president, Zila Panchayat, Ma, Uttar Pradesh