Rai , Shri I. Rama

Rai , Shri I. Rama

Party Name : Congress (I)
Constituency : Kasaragod
State : Kerala
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 8

More Information :
RAI , SHRI I. RAMA, [Congress (I)—Kerala Kasaragod, 1984]  s. of  Shri A. Subbayya Rai; b. at Ichlampady Village, Kasaragod District, March 13, 1931; studied upto B.Sc.; ed. at Aloysius College, Mangalore and Pachaiyappas' College, Madras; m. Smt. K.B. Umawathi R. Rai, 1963, 2 s. and 2 d.; Agriculturist; President, Kasaragod DCC (I); Member, KPCC and Executive Committee, KPCC; Vice-President, Kerala State Karshaka Congress Committee; Ex-Member and President, Kumbla Panchayat Board; Member, (i) University Senate, (ii) Cannanore District Development Council; Ex-Member, Kerala State Rural Development Board. Favourite, pastime and recreation:  Games and hunting. Special interests:  Agriculture. Permanent address:  Ichlampady (Via Kumbla), P.O. Kasaragod District, Kerala.