Patil , Shri Dinkar Babu

Patil , Shri Dinkar Babu

Party Name : Unattached
Constituency : Kulaba
State : Maharashtra
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 2 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 8

More Information :
PATIL, SHRI D.B., B.A., LL.B. [U.A.—Maharashtra, Kulaba, 1984]  s. of Shri Balu; b. at Jasai Village, Uran Taluk, Raigad District, January 13, 1926; ed. at V.K. High School, Panvel, Raigad District, Fergussan College, Pune and Law College, Pune; m. Smt. Urmila, February 19, 1952; 2 s. and 2 d.; Lawyer and Political and Social Worker; participated in 1942 movement; detained in 1965 and 1975; was sentenced, to one year imprisonment in 1958 for participation in the satyagraha on the issue of border dispute between the States of Maharashtra and Karnataka; took active part in the movement for formation of Samyukta Maharashtra; led the agitation of agriculturists of Uran Taluk in Raigad District; Member, Central Secretariat of Peasants and Workers Party since 1957 and its General Secretary since January, 1983; Member, (i) District Local Board, Kulaba, 1952 (ii) District Development Board, Kulaba, 1952, President;  (i) Panvel Municipality, 1984, (ii) National Union of Backward Classes and Minorities, State of Maharashtra; Member, (i) Bombay Legislative Assembly, 1957, (ii) Maharashtra Legislative Assembly, 1962-77 and 1980-84; Deputy Chief Whip of Opposition Party in Maharashtra Legislative Assembly, 1962-66 and Chief Whip  1967-72; Leader of Opposition Group in the Legislative Assembly, 1972-77 and Leader of Opposition Party, 1982-83; served on various Committees of the Legislative Assembly; Member, (i) Sixth Lok Sabha 1977-79, (ii) Estimates Committee, 1977-78. Social activities:  Founded ten High Schools in rural areas and one college of Arts, Commerce and Science at Panvel. Favourite pastime and recreation:  Reading, gardening, swimming. Sports and Clubs:  Kabaddi, Kho-Kho, Foot-ball, Volley-ball. Permanent address:  'Sangram' Panvel Cooperative Housing Society  Limited, Post Office Panvel, Raigad District.