Patel , Kumari Manibehn Vallabhbhai

Patel , Kumari Manibehn Vallabhbhai

Party Name : Janata Party
Constituency : Mehsana
State : Gujarat
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 4 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 6

More Information :
PATEL,  KUMARI MANIBEHN VALLABHBHAI SNATAK, Janata, (Gujarat—Mehsana—1977) :  d. of Sardar Vallabbhai Patel; b. at Gana, Kaira District, 1903; ed. at Gujarat Vidyapeeth, Ahmedabad; Writer, political and Social Worker; previously associated with Congress and Congress (O); jailed several times during Freedom Movement; offered satyagraha in 1975 against arrest of Opposition Leaders under Emergency; was arrested in 1976 under D.I.R. for shouting slogans for release of leaders and removal of Emergency and Press censorship etc.; undertook Dandi March in 1976 for the purpose of creating consciousness and fearlessness among the people; Secretary for about 4 years and later Vice-President, Gujarat Pradesh Congress Committee, 1957—64 and during emergency President, Gujarat State Congress (O), 1976-77; Member Trustee, (i) Gujarat Vidyapeeth Council, (ii) Navajivan Trust, (iii) Mahadev Desai Memorial Trust, (iv) Bardoli Swaraj Ashram Trust and (v) Sardar Vallabhbhai Samaj Seva Trust; Member, Governing Body of Central Social Welfare Board 1958—60 and 1964 onwards and Khadi and Village Industries Board since 1963; Member, (i) First Lok Sabha, 1952—57, (ii) Second Lok Sabha, 1957—62, (iii) Rajya Sabha 1964—70; and (iv) Fifth Lok Sabha, 1973—77, presently Member, Committee on Subordinate Legislation. Favourite pastime and recreation:  Spinning. Publications:  Edited several works in Gujarati, including (i) Bapuna Patro—Manibehn Patelne, (ii) Sardar Vallabhaine, (iii) Kasturba-Vani Ane Vihar, (iv) Borsad Satyagraha, Coordinating Editor, Sardar Centenary Service (in 10 volumes). Permanent address:  Navajivan, Ahmedabad.