Pai , Shri T.A.

Pai , Shri T.A.

Party Name : Congress
Constituency : Udipi
State : Karnataka
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 6

More Information :
PAI, SHRI  T. A.,  B.Com., Congress, (Karnataka—Udipi—1977):  s.  of Shri Tonse Upendra Pai; b. at Mulki, South kanara District, January 17, 1922; ed. at  Sydenham College of Commerce and Economics, Bombay and International  Summer School of Banking, West Germany;  m. Smt. Vasanthi  A. Pai; Economist and Administrator; Member, (i) Mysore Pradesh  Congress Committee, (ii) All India Congress Committee; President, South Kanara District Congress Committee; General Manager, Syndicate Bank; 1944—61; Managing Director, Syndicate Bank, 1962—64; First Chiarman, Food Corporation of India, 1965; rejoined as Chairman and Managing Director, Syndicate Bank, 1966; Chairman, Life Insurance Corporation, 1970; Member, (i) Mysore State Electricity Board (ii) State Board of Secondary Education, (iii) Text Book Advisory Committee, (iv) State Fisheries Advisory Board,  All India Coir Board, (v) National Credit Council,  (vi) Board of Governors, National Institute of Bank Management, (vii) Board of Governors, Administrative Staff College, Hyderabad, (ix) Study Team on Agricultural, Administration of Administrative Reforms Commission, (x) National Agricultural Commission; Chairman, (i) Study Team on Reserve Bank of India for Deposit; Mobilization, and (ii) Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore; Member, (i) Madras Legislative Assembly, 1952, (ii) Mysore Legislative Assembly, 1953, and (iii) Rajya Sabha 1972—77; Union Minister of Railways, 1972, Union Minister of Heavy Industry, 1973-74; was in additional charge of Ministry of Steel and Mines and of Science and Technology; Union Minister of Industry and Civil Supplies, 1974, and Union Minister of Industry till March 1977; Nominated Chairman, (i) Indian Side of Indo-Polish Joint Commission on Scientific, Technical and Economic Cooperation, (ii) Indian Side of Indo-Hungarian Joint Commission; attended United Nations Industrial Development Organisation and several other international conferences as Minister and representative of India during 1974-77. Favourite pastime and recreation:  Music, reading and gardening. Special interests:  Economics and administration. Accomplishments in letters, art and science:  Was awarded Padma Bhushan in 1972 and Degree of Doctor of Letters by Karnataka University in 1973 and by Andhra University in 1975. Sports and clubs:  Member, National Sports Club and President, Lions Club, Udipi. Travels abroad:  All over Europe in 1957, Japan, Far East, U.S.A., Czechoslovakia, Poland, Yugoslavia, U.S.S.R.., U.K., Hungary, Sweden, Norway, Bulgaria, German Democratic Republic, Italy and Austria. Permanent address:  No. 13, Cooperative Colony, Manipal, South Kanani District, Karnataka.