Mukerjee , Smt. Sharda

Mukerjee , Smt. Sharda

Party Name : Congress
Constituency : Ratnagiri
State : Maharashtra
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 2 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 4

More Information :
MUKERJEE, SHRIMATI SHARDA, B.A.(Hons.), Cong. (Maharashtra—Ratnagiri—1967):  d. of Shri Pratap Sitaram Pandit; b. at Bombay, February 24, 1919; ed. at Elphin-stone College, University of Bombay; widow of the late Air Marshal S. Mukerjee, Chief of Staff, Indian Air Force; 1 s.; Member, Study Teams on Planning and Defence Matters of the Administrative Reforms Commission; Chairman, Armed Forces Welfare Sub-Committee of the Citizens' Central Council; Member, National Shipping Board, 1962—64; Member, Third Lok Sabha, 1962—67. Social activities:  Associated with the Armed Forces welfare for many years; President, Armed Forces Women's Welfare Association, 1955— 57 and Member of its Executive, 1947—61; Member, I.A.F. Benevolent Association Council. Hobbies:  Music, reading and sports. Special interests:  Economic Affairs, Philosophy, Sanskrit literature and Defence matters. Publications:  Published articles in Economic Weekly, Bombay, on Defence and political matters and occasional articles in newspapers. Sports and clubs:  Willingdon Sports Club, Bombay, Delhi Gymkhana Club and Delhi Golf Club. Travels abroad:  Europe, America, Far East, Russia and Outer Mongolia. Permanent address:  8-A, Mafatlal Park, B. Desai Road, Bombay-26.