Menon , Shri V.K. Krishna

Menon , Shri V.K. Krishna

Party Name : Independents
Constituency : Trivandrum
State : Kerala
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 4 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 5

More Information :
MENON, SHRI V. K. KRISHNA, B.A., B.Sc., (Economics) (London), Teachers' Diploma (London), M.A., (London), M.Sc., (Econ.) London, Bar-at-Law, (Ind.) Kerala-Trivandrum—1971, Son of Shri Komath Krishna Kurup; b. at Calicut, Malabar, May 3, 1896; ed. at Municipal School and Brenen College, Tellicherry; Zamorins College, Calicut, Presidency College and Law College, Madras, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, Day Training College (now Institute of Education), London, University College, London; Unmarried; Teacher, Journalist and Publicist; Lecturer, National University, Adyar, 1919-1923; Teacher, St. Christophers' School, Letchworth, 1924; Boy Scouts Master and later Commissioner (Madras), 1916-24 and Cochin State, 1921-24; called to the Bar at Middle Temple, London; King's Inn (Dublin); Practised at the Bar in British Courts and the Privy Council; Member of the British Labour Party, 1924-47; Borough Councillor, St. Pancras, 1934-47; made Freeman of the Borough of St. Pancras, 1949; Chairman of Libraries Committee, 1934-1947; Parliamentary Candidate (Labour), Dundee, 1938-41; Secretary, India League, London, 1927-47; President, India League from 1947; represented the Indian National Congress at a number of International gatherings notably at the "International Peace Campaign," 1945 (President Viscount Cecil); High Commissioner for India in the U.K., 1947-52 and concurrently India's Ambassador to Ireland; represented India at U.N. General Assembly, Lake Success, 1946; visited various European Capitals as Pandit Nehru's Personal Representative in 1946 and as Special Representative of the Government of India in 1947; called to the Irish Bar, 1952; represented India at the U.N. General Assembly, and Chairman of the Delegation of India at the U.N. General Assembly, 1953-62 and at successive sessions of the Trusteeship Council as leader of the delegation of India from 1953-56; Member, Rajya Sabha, 1953-57; awarded Padma Vibhushan by the President in 1954; Member (i) Second Lok Sabha, 1957-62, (ii) Third Lok Sabha, 1962-67; Minister without Portfolio, 1956-57; Minister  of Defence, 1957-62; Visiting Professor of the Osmania University; Chairman, Indian Delegation to the Conference on Laos at Geneva; Chairman of the Delegation to the 18-Nation (now 25) Committee on Disarmament; President, Indian Society of International Law and Diplomacy; Chairman and Lecturer, Academy of International Law and Diplomacy, New Delhi; Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India; President d' Honeuer, World Council of Peace; President, World Council of Peace, India; President, Indian Society for Lawyers for Peace; President Association of Democratic Lawyers Indian National Committee; Honorary Fellow, London School of Economics, Member, Fourth Lok Sabha, 1969-70. Social activities.—Boy Scouts Commissioner, Madras and Cochin 1920-24; Founder-Secretary of India League formerly the Commonwealth of India League founded in 1923, 1930-47; Chairman, Arts Council, St. Pancras, London. Accomplishment in Letters, Art and Science.—LL.D. (Honoris Causa), Glasgow, 1954; LL.D. (Honoris Causa) of several Indian Universities; D.Lit, Mysore University, 1958; LL.D. (Honoris Causa) of the University of New Brunswick, Canada. Hobby.—Reading. Clubs.—Gymkhana Club, India; India Club London. Publications.—Condition of India, Several Pamphlets and Articles; First Editor, Pelican Books; Editor, Twentieth Century Library, India and the Chinese Invasion. Travels abroad.— U.K., U.S.A., U.S.S.R, Nigeria, German Democratic Republic, Canada, Ghana, Thailand, Japan, Hong Kong, China, U.A.R., Syria, Lebanon, Indonesia, Burma, Ceylon and various countries of Western and Eastern Europe and of Latin America. Permanent address.—(i) "Eranampalam", Kallai, Calicut, Kerala State, (ii) 19, Teen Murti Marg, New Delhi.