Menon , Shri V. Viswanatha

Menon , Shri V. Viswanatha

Party Name : Communist Party(Marxist)
Constituency : Ernakulam
State : Kerala
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 4

More Information :
MENON, SHRI V. VISWANATHA, LL.B., Comm (M). (Kerala-Ernakulam—1967): s. of Shri Ambady Narayana Morion; b. Ernakulam, January 14, 1927; ed. at Shree Rama Verma High School and Maharaja's College, Ernakulam, and Government Law College, Bombay; debarred from Madras University for political activities; m. Shrimati Prabhavathl Menon, January 21, 1961; 2 s.: Advocate; suffered imprisonment for more than three years in connection, with political activities; was underground for more than two years for political activities; Member, Municipal Council, Ernakulam. Social activities:  Trade Union Movement Hobbies:  Reading, Acting. Favourite pastime and recreation:  Seeing films. Sports:  Badminton, volleyball. Special interests:  Politics, agriculture. Permanent address:  D.H. Road, Ernakulam-6 Kerala  State.