Mane , Shri Shankararo Dattatraya

Mane , Shri Shankararo Dattatraya

Party Name : Congress
Constituency : Kolhapur
State : Maharashtra
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 4

More Information :
MANE. SHRI SHANKARRAO. Cong., (Maharashtra—Kolhapur—1967):  s. of Shri Dattatraya Mane; b. at Kolhapur. December 15, 1920; ed. at Rajaram College, Kolhapur; m. Shrimati Shashikala Mane, May 25. 1939; 1 s. and  3 d.;  wholetime  political  and social worker; took  active  part  in the 1942 movement  and remained  underground  for  one  year;  arrested  and imprisoned  for  two  year; Member, Rural Broadcasting Programmes Advisory Committee, A.I.R., poona Station 1962—66; General Secretary, Praja Parishad, Kolhapur, 1947—49; Secretary, Kolhapur District Congress Committee, 1949—52; President, Kolhapur District Congress Committee, 1959—64; Honorary Secretary, Divisional Development Council for Poona Division, 1957—60; Project Officer, Community Development Project, Kolhapur, 1952—56; Chairman, Kolhapur Janata Central Cooperative Consumer Stores Ltd., 1963—67; Member, Bombay Legislative Assembly, 1949—52. Favourite pastime and recreation:  Music. Special interest:  Cooperative movement, uplift of backward classes and tourism. Sports:  Swimming, horse riding and Football. Permanent address:  "Prem Kunj", No.1773A, Tarabai Road Shivaji Peth, Kolhapur Maharashtra.