Malludora , Shri Gam

Malludora , Shri Gam

Party Name : Independents
Constituency : Vishakapatnam
State : Madras
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 1

More Information :
MALLUDORA, SHRI GAM, Independent [Madras—Visakhapatnam (Reserved—Sch. Tribes)—1952]: S. of Shri Gam Jogi Dora; B. Battapanukulu, Golugonda Taluk, Visakhapatnam Distt. Madras State, 1900; m. Shrimati Atchamma; 1 D.; Agriculturist; Principal lieutenant of the Late Shri Alluri Sitarama Raju, hero of Rampa Pithuri—revolt of the hill tribes of the Visakhapatnam and Godavari Distts. in 1921—-24, which synchronised with Gandhiji's first Civil Disobedience Movement; Sentenced to death, later commuted to transportation for life; Served a sentence of 13-1/2 years and a further term of 3-1/2 years internment at Visakhapatnam. Hobby: Archery. Favourite pastime: Shooting and hunting. Permanent address: C/o Dr. Lanka Sundaram, Pavani Kutir, P.O.Maharanipet, Visakhapatanam, Madras State.