Maiti , Kumari Abha

Maiti , Kumari Abha

Party Name : Janata Party
Constituency : Panskura
State : West Bengal
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 6

More Information :
MAITI, KUMARI ABHA, B.A., LL.B., Janata, (West Bengal—Panskura—1977):  d. of late Shri Nikunja Behari Maiti; b. at Kalicharanpur, Midnapore District; April 22, 1925; ed. at University of Calcutta; unmarried; Journalist, political and social worker; Previously associated with Congress; Participated in 'Quit India' Movement in 1942; Secretary, Women's Sub-Committee of West Bengal Pradesh Congress Committee, 1948—58; Joint Secretary, Paschim Bengal Khadi Kendra. 1958; Member, (i) West Bengal Pradesh Congress Committee, 1952 onwards, (ii) All-India Congress Committee, 1952; President, Midnapore Congress Committee, 1960; General Secretary, Congress, 1960-62; Member, Congress Working  Committee, 1960-62; Editor, 'Satyagraha'  Patrika; Chairman,  Editorial  Board  'Juger Dak'; Prisident, International  Federation of  Business and Professional Woman in India; Member, West  Bengal  Legislative  Assembly, 1952-57 and 1962-69; Minister of  Refugee and Social  Welfare, Home  (Elections and Constitution)  Department, Government of West Bengal, 1962-69;  Member, Rajya  Sabha, 1960-62 Minister of  State in the Ministry of Industry since August 1977; Attended the 12th Congress of the Federation of Professional Woman, in Canada, in 1971. Social activities:  Uplift of weaker sections of society; work for the benefit of the rural people. Favourite pastime and recreation:  Cooking and reading. Sports and clubs:  Founder-President, Business and Professional Women's Club. Travels abroad:  Europe and U.S.A. Permanent address:  P-14, Durgacharan Mitra Street, Calcutta, West Bengal.