Mahadeva Prasad , Dr.

Mahadeva Prasad , Dr.

Party Name : Congress
Constituency : Maharajganj
State : Uttar Pradesh
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 2 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 4

More Information :
MAHADEVA PRASAD, DR., M.A. (Indian Philosophy and Religion), M.A. (Economics), Ph.D., Sahityalankar, Cong., (Uttar Pradesh-Maharajganj-1967):  s. of Shri Parmeshwar Prasad; b. at Bahabolia. Distt. Gorakhpur Vaisakhi Shukla 9, Sumvat 1979; ed. at D.A.V. High School, D.B. Inter College and St. Andrews College, Gorakhpur, D.A.V. College, Kanpur, Banaras Hindu University and Hindi Vidyapeeth, Deoghar; m. Shrimati Ishwari Devi, 1929; 1 s. and 1 d.; Teacher; Previously aasociated with the Praja Socialist Party; General Secretary, (1) District Kisan Sangh, 1955—58; (2) All India Backward Classes Federation; Founder-President, District Students Congress, and District Youth Congress, Gorakhpurm, 1945-46; Head of the Department of Philosophy, Gorakhpur University; Vice-President, District Congress Committee, Gorakhpur; Member, (1) District Congress Committee, Gorakhpur, since 1958; (2) U.P.C.C., since 1958; (3) District Cane Committee, Gorakhpur; (4) U.P. Cane Union Federation; (5) District Gazeteer Committee, Gorakhpur; (6) Antarim Zila Parishad and Zila Parishad, Gorakhpur; (7) Board of Studies, University of Gorakhpur; (8) Court of Banaras Hindu University; (9) Sub-Committees on Human Amenities and Constructive Work of the National Committee of Gandhi Centenary; Director, Cane Cooperative Union, Pharenda; Honorary Lecturer for Gandhian Ideals under the Ministry of Community Development for its training centres, 1961; Honorary Principal, Institute for Gandhian Studies, Gorakhpur; Founder-Member, Socialist Forum, Gorakhpur; Member, Third Lok Sabha, 1962—67. Social activities:  Engaged in social service on Gandhian lines since student days; organised Bharat Sevak Samaj Camps and at present. Director, Chairman, lok Vidyapeeth, Gorakhpur; working for all round rural development. Hobbies:  Reading and writing. Favourite pastime and recreation:  Gardening and music. Special interests:  Religion, philosophy, sociology and culture: experiments on educational systems. Publications:  Social Philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi, Samaj Darshan; Bharat Ke Parrashtra Ki Prisht Bhoomi; Mahamanav Gandhi, Bharat Men Panchayati Raj Ki Parampara. Permanent address:  Anand Nagar, Gorakhpur, U.P.