Lal , Shri Shiv Charan

Lal , Shri Shiv Charan

Party Name : Samyukta Socialist Party
Constituency : Firozabad-SC
State : Uttar Pradesh
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 4

More Information :
LAL. SHRI SHIV CHARAN. S.S.P., [Uttar Pradesh— Firozabad—(Reserved—Sch. Castes)— 1967]:  s. of Shri Deep Chand; b. at Vill. Chawli, Distt. Agra, November, 1923; educated privately at home; m. Shrimati Katori "Devi; 5 s. and 4 d.; Preacher and Political Worker; took part In the Quit India Movement in 1942 and was beaten by the police, suffered imprisonment on various occasions before and after independence for political activities; Member, U.P. Legislative Assembly. 1962—67. Social activities:  Social service, constructive work and Harijan uplift. Favourite pastime and recreation:  Composing and singing folk songs and Bhajans. Special interest:  Social service. Publications:  "Kisan Barah Masi Samajwadi Tarane"—a collection of socialistic songs. Permanent address:  Village and P.O. Chawli  (Via Barhan)., District Agra, Uttar Pradesh.